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The two blond haired boys, about five years old, were running around the peachblum garden of their tall circular house. Their parents, Luna and Neville, stood by as Luna was scribbling a report about her job for the Daily Prophet.

The first twin boy whose name means fierce little one, was slightly taller. He grabbed a stick and some twigs and somehow fashioned a gleaming broomstick. He hopped on and it flew majesticly before crashing on the ground.

The sky roared and the boys were helped inside. You could see the snake-like eyes in the bushes. Eyes that despise the goodies in prophecies. Eyes that muttered a curse on the boy who was destined to defeat him.


Since we were born, me and Lys were best buds. We have always had fun together. One time on holiday in France we were having a walk through this forest and mum came accross these invisible creatures. She could see them though which was strange. Mum said they were called Thestrals or something like that and you can only see them if you've seen death. I felt a pang of sorrow for her then but I couldn't really recognise it since I was only about three.


Lorc has always been there for me, I remember one time when we saw Hippogriffs I think it was in Scotland. It started to attack me but Lorcan calmed it down. He has always been good with animals like mum, and making brooms, but I think I am destined to be a Auror! Just like the famous Harry Potter. Mum said she went to Hogwarts with him. I can't wait to go to Hogwarts!

Fantastic Beasts and my Mum who finds 'emWhere stories live. Discover now