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You were standing in front the door of your house holding the knob completely frozen. Chifuyu who was behind you is probably oblivious that you were a nervous wreck. He was scanning the outside of your house that was decorated with some plants since your mom loves gardening.

You knew your father was out since his car was not there but you have a feeling that your neither your mom was home. You remembered half way back that on Mondays your mother would go visit your cousin at the next town. That made you even more nervous.

You turn around looking at him wanting to tell him to give you some time to check if the house wasn't a completely a mess but seeing that his hands was starting to shake because holding of the cat food made you feel bad.

'Well now or never. Cedar please don't break anything again' you silently pray and open the house door. Seeing that the entrance wasn't messed up a shock of relief went through your body.

'Please come in' you said while holding the door for him. He smiled at you and took off his shoes and went in. Well he's in your house now. GOODLUCK you said to yourself.

You close the door shut. Now only you and him...and Cedar.

You ask him to put the cat food down nearby the door you could take it on from there. He didn't say much but just obey probably to tired.

Poor boy.

'You can sit in the living room I'll go make us something to drink'. Chifuyu only nodded his head and sat in the living room politely.

You were in the kitchen making some drinks for the both of you. You felt like you were making a drink for your husband for no reason.

'Is this the marriage life' you thought jokingly.

Chifuyu in the other room was scanning each corner of your house looking like he was searching for treasure not realising there were a set of eyes staring at him.

You put the drinks on a tray and quickly walk back to the living room not wanting to keep him wait. As you were almost at the living room you saw Cedar at the staircase looking at Chifuyu like he was a rat that could be chase.

'Cedar psst come down' you said to him. To your surprise the lazy cat got up and walk with you into the living room where Chifuyu was.

'Sorry for the wait here's your drink' you said and serve him a nice cold tea. 'A soda would be better but we don't have some at home sorry'. You would if your mother let you but you mom isn't actually a fan of soda.

'No it's fine...urmm'looking like he was hesitant to say something to you. 'What's wrong?' You ask.

He was pointing at your side. You look at where he was pointing to know what's bothering him. 'Ouh Cedar?'. He nodded eyes sparkling like a kid who just saw a toy.

'Can I pet it?' He ask politely. You thought he was a puppy at some point. The cuteness was to much.

'Go ahead ouh and don't be afraid if you think he'll scratch you or anything he's to lazy' you said in advance. For a big giant lazy furball he does look rather intimidating.

Chifuyu then slowly approach Cedar while still seating, him only doing little hops to get near. Cedar looked at him as he was judging the boy in front of him. Chifuyu then slowly held out his hand letting the cat smell his hand a bit showing that he was no threat to him.

After Cedar sniff his hand a bit he didn't do anything but continue to look at Chifuyu possibly guessing what he was about to do next. You who was at the other side of the table only observe the two of them silently chuckling at how cute the scene was in front of you.

Showing that Cedar didn't mind that he was near, Chifuyu then slowly patted his head. Eyes sparkling like a little kid. 'He's so soft!!!' Is all he said before he started to cuddle with your cat.

'What the fat or the fur?' You ask jokingly. Cedar look offended by your reply and had almost spill your drink. If it wasn't for Chifuyu cuddling him like a teddy bear he would have done it.

'What's his name?' he ask wanting to know more about the cat he was cuddling with. 'Cedar'.

'Cedar?'. You could tell he was confuse by that choice of name. Looking at him who's head was tilting to the right side, one eyebrow up and Cedar in his arm. Ouh that cuteness was overloading.

'I was young and dumb so I just pick up a random name I saw and put it on him since I was tired of calling him kitty' you explain remembering how Cedar got his name.

Chifuyu only laugh at your answer probably judging how stupid that sounds but you didn't mind he looks like he was having fun.

'Ouh where's you mom?' he ask realising the both of you were the only humans in the house. 'Ouh she probably went out and visit my cousins at the next town. She always does that' you said playing with the tv controller looking for something fun to watch.

He only nodded in response and continued on playing with Cedar. He was having so much fun with the cat. Bothering him here and there Cedar didn't have the energy anymore to fight back and just gave in letting the boy who was suppose to be a year older than you play with him like a child at a playground smiling and giggling.

You only met him for three times but you felt like you know him for so long now. You chatted with him almost all day. Time passes so fast that you didn't realise it was soon time to make dinner.

'Ouh it's late. Shouldn't you go back?' you ask worried that you hold him off for to long.

'No I'm fin-' he stopped his words halfway seeing as he just remembered something important. Chifuyu suddenly stiffened not being able to move. You were looking at him who was sitting in place eyes were dancing here and there looking as he was trying to remember what he had forgotten.

'Chifuyu?' you called out slowly walking near to check on him. 'You ok?' you ask a tone of concern could be hear from your voice.

Chifuyu turns to look at you slowly coming back to reality. 'Dammit I was suppose to meet them!!' he said in a higher voice. You could tell he was frustrated.

You didn't know what he was frustrated about but you do feel bad.

Chifuyu suddenly got up and grab his things looking like he was ready to leave. 'You're going?' you asked.

'Yeah I need to meet my friends...well I was suppose to meet them hours ago but nevermind' he said and just smiled.

Ahh. You realise you had kept him here for to long and felt guilty for it. 'I'm sorry..Let me walk you to the door' you said and went on ahead.

He then quickly put on his shoes and walk out of the door. He walk out of the house but didn't immediately went away instead he turned around to face you once more.

'Hey it wasn't your fault ok that I forgot about meeting them and I insisted to help so don't worry about it to much' he said in a soft voice reassuring you that it was fine. He must have notice your face change.

It's true you did felt like it was your fault that he forgot. After hearing him said that made your heart lighter. You're glad he said that.

You gave him a little soft smile 'Thank you Chifuyu'.

Before going he gave you one last pat on the head and went his away.

You wanted to say something but didn't have the confidence to do so but whatever.

'I'LL SEE YOU SOON??' you screamed those words out before he could get any further. He must have been waiting for those words too. You saw that beautiful spark in his eyes when he was excited.

'YEAH!' he screamed back and gave you a wave. You return his wave and watch him go until your eyes couldn't get another glimpse of him and went inside to clean up.

You never knew you could spend the time together like this so soon. It felt like a dream. Through the whole day he was so cute looking so lively and happy. The more you see it the more addicted you got. You wanted to see and get to know him more.

But were you already friends with him? You're not sure but you'll be sure to ask him next time.

'Next time huh'

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now