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"Hello my cute little friend" you greet your one and only pet.

Chedar who was peacefully eating look up to you with his whiskers full of cat food stuck on it. He looks at you with a confuse face.

You ignore the looks that your cat was giving you and pour some nice cold water to quench your thirst.

"How's your walk honey?" Your mom, who came out of nowhere ask. "Huh? Ouh it's was fine...rather that fine it was great!" you replied, your face was beaming.

"Is the new park that pretty for you to be smiling like this?" she ask again, somehow worried about her child who looks like they were about to go nuts.

You, who was busy thinking about the events that happen quickly nodded, didn't want her to think about any other possibilities. "YEAH!! Yeah...the park, perfect, stunning, absolute gorgeous" you replied with exaggeration.

Your mom who was washing the dishes look at you with her eyebrow one pointing up "sure...".

You let out an awkward laugh realising how stupid you had act. Chedar who has stop eating, or lost appetite, which was rare, stare at you with confusion.

You who saw that cat still looking at you and decided to bother him "What are you looking at" you said and stomp your feet, pretending to chase him.

Chedar who was sitting immediately got up and ran away to who knows where. Probably his cat tree upstairs.

You laugh looking at your cat who was panic running, saving himself from you. He even hit a chair while running. Should you be worry about him or the chair? Probably the chair since it almost fell down.

"You need to give him a break you know" your mom said, shaking her head. "This is how we bond mom" you replied while putting your glass down, after finish drinking.

Your mom replied with another shake of her head. You gave her a little smile and decided to go up to your bedroom to..think. "I'll be in my room" you said and quickly went upstairs.

You act calm while climbing the stairs but as soon as you reach the top you immediately ran to your room and close the door gently, feeling as if you were suddenly in slow mow vid, not wanting your mom nor dad to ask you what was going on if you suddenly slam it shut.

After successfully closing the door quietly you continued to jump up and down, spin and turn here and there like a mad man. You acted crazy and it went on for another couple of minutes.

Finally feeling tired you jump onto your bed and continue to act crazy while laying down. You toss your body left to right while hugging your pillow. Your bed that was just neat a few seconds ago was completely messed up by you. But that wasn't your biggest concern now.

You recall the events that happen at the park that night.

"Are you free Monday?" Chifuyu ask after managing to dry himself up.

"Urmmm I don't know...Am I free?" You ask him back, while busy looking at your clothes trying to find if there are any other places that was wet.

"That's why I'm asking you" he replied.

You sigh hearing his answer. You don't know if he's smart or an idiot at this point. "There's school Chifuyu and extra class"


You scoffed hearing his replied "Unless you want me be hit by a frying pan ditching sounds just right" you said.

He went silent for a second after hearing your answer, probably thinking some other date to set. "Sunday then. Next Sunday"

𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 > Matsuno ChifuyuWhere stories live. Discover now