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The night arrived with a mix of nerves and excitement. The girls went back to their apartment and yes somehow the girls all found a place that could house all 6 of them, eager to prepare for the big night. Boram, being the fashion student, took charge of helping her friends pick out their outfits. The small living room was soon transformed into a makeshift dressing room, with clothes strewn across every available surface. Curling irons heated up, makeup palettes were spread out, and the air was filled with the scent of hairspray and perfume. Laughter and chatter echoed through the room as they helped each other get ready, each girl feeding off the group's collective energy. Boram flitted around like a whirlwind, offering tips and advice while the others tried on various combinations of tops, skirts, and accessories.

"Uka, try this dress with those shoes," Boram suggested, tossing a pair of heels to Uka who caught them with a laugh. "And Nari, that jacket would look amazing with those jeans."

As the fashion frenzy continued, the girls' excitement was palpable. However, their energy soon gave way to hunger, and Nari's stomach growled loudly, eliciting a chorus of giggles.

"Alright, it's decided. Jia Zenji and I will go get us some food," Nari declared, grabbing her purse.

"Yeah, you guys keep trying on outfits. We'll be back soon," Jia added with a smile. The three girls left the apartment and headed towards the nearest restaurant.

The evening air was cool and refreshing as Nari Jia and Zenji walked down the street, their conversation light and filled with anticipation for the night ahead. They soon reached a cosy little restaurant, the kind where the staff knew the regulars by name. The bell above the door chimed softly as they entered.

"Let's get something everyone will enjoy," Jia suggested as they scanned the menu. They quickly decided on a variety of dishes and placed their order. As they sat down to wait, the bell chimed again, announcing the arrival of new patrons.

Nari glanced up out of habit and immediately froze. Two boys had just walked in, their matching leather jackets catching her attention. At first, she found it amusing, but then her eyes zeroed in on the symbol emblazoned on the back of the jackets. Her amusement vanished, replaced by a cold dread.

"Girls, don't look now, but I think we're sitting next to members of NCT," Nari whispered urgently, trying to keep her voice steady. Jia and Zenji engrossed in their phones, looked up in confusion.

"Really?" Jia asked, her curiosity piqued.

Nari nodded, her eyes wide with fear. "Yes, really. Just... don't look at them. We don't want to attract their attention."

NCT was the most feared gang in the city, known for their ruthlessness. Nari's connection to the gang was through her sister's boyfriend, Jaehyun, and his friend Mark. While she found them friendly enough, the tales of their exploits sent shivers down her spine.

The boys finished their business at the counter and took a seat at the table right next to the girls, sending Nari into a silent panic. She tried to steady her breathing and focus on anything but the proximity of the gang members. Out of the corner of her eye, she observed them cautiously. Both had matching jet black hair but one of them had a cut right above their cheekbone which gained Nari's attention, she wondered how it? she was worried at first and then she reminded herself that he was in a gang and probably deserved it and the other guy was probably more hurt than him.

Their food order was called, a welcome distraction for Nari. She nudged Zenji, and they both got up to collect their food and returned to their table to get Jia, As they were leaving, Nari felt an inexplicable urge to look back. Her gaze met the piercing eyes of the cut boy, and for a moment, everything else faded away. There was an intensity in his stare that made it impossible for her to look away. She felt as though he was looking right through her, seeing more than just a girl grabbing takeout.

Jia tugged on Nari's arm, breaking the spell. "Come on, Nari. We need to go," Zenji said, her voice filled with concern. Nari allowed herself to be pulled towards the door, her heart pounding. As they exited, she glanced back one last time and saw the blonde boy chuckling softly, clearly amused by the scene.

Back at the apartment, the atmosphere was a mix of excitement and nerves. Boram, Sunhee and Uka had managed to pick out their outfits and were eagerly waiting for the others to return with the food.

"You guys took forever!" Boram exclaimed playfully as the two girls walked in.

"Sorry, we ran into some... unexpected company," Nari replied, trying to downplay the encounter.

The girls ate their meal amidst laughter and chatter, the earlier tension slowly dissipating. Boram's enthusiasm for the party was infectious, and soon everyone was back in high spirits. She helped them finalize their outfits, adding the perfect accessories to complete their looks.

"We look amazing," Boram declared, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Tonight is going to be unforgettable."

"We're really going to a party at a racing track tonight?" Zenji asked, her eyes widening with curiosity.

Boram nodded enthusiastically. "Yep! It's a chance to let loose and have some fun. Plus, we might see some crazy races."

Uka smiled, intrigued by the prospect. "It sounds like quite the adventure."

Jia, ever the cautious one, reminded them, "Remember, we need to stick together. No wandering off alone, and if anything feels off, we leave immediately." The girls nodded in agreement, their excitement undimmed by Jia's warnings. 

They knew she was right, but the thrill of the upcoming adventure overshadowed any lingering doubts. As they finished up their preparations, the apartment buzzed with anticipation. Boram carefully applied the finishing touches to everyone's makeup, making sure each girl felt confident and beautiful. 

The room was filled with the sounds of giggles and playful banter, a stark contrast to the earlier tension. "Alright, ladies, it's showtime!" Boram announced with a flourish, closing her makeup case. The girls gathered their belongings and made their way out of the apartment, their hearts pounding with excitement.

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