Your Kiss Was Such a Sacred Thing To Me

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Warning(s): panic attack


"You look tired, Skeppy."

"Yeah?" the diamond man scoffed, "I could say the same about you, aren't you supposed to be guarding the prison?"

The anthropomorphic creeper sighed, "Puffy and Ant's idea. They're taking over the prison right now."

"Right, right..."

"Aren't you supposed to be keeping an eye on Bad?"

"He's in the house. He'll be fine." Skeppy snapped a bit.

He trusted his friend wouldn't try and break the rules laid out for him. He knew Bad and if his actions after the destruction of the Egg said anything, it was that the demon thought of himself as a danger to the SMP.

"How's Ponk?" He asked after a moment of silence.


Sam's relationship with the human had deteriorated since the egg and afterward, Ponk had trouble looking at the warden. Yet he'd admitted that he still loved Sam.

As of right now, Ponk lived in Foolish's realm in his temporary home. The creeper would occasionally visit to share give or receive letters or give gifts.

After all, who else gave Ponk his new arm?

It was going to be a rocky journey for the two but at least things were improving.

Skeppy can't help but feel a tad bit jealous.

The two were silent for a moment as they walked.

"Bad had a nightmare."


"He slept fine in the end," Skeppy ran a hand through his hair, "but it worries me, you know. It hurts."

"The talking to nothing and everything?"

He shook his head and laughed sadly.

"Maybe. But the worst part is the fact he doesn't think I'm me."


ShortBoyHalo was wonderful company. The dog happily yipped and nipped at Bad's ankles, being a wonderful distraction for the heavy thoughts of guilt. Bad smiled at the dog as he heated up breakfast's leftovers. He fed ShortBoyHalo some of his pork chops as he ate silently.

He couldn't really do much while his guardian was gone so he decided to talk to Mr. Bons the skeleton, apologizing for being waking up everyone last night. The skeleton didn't talk back, just stared at the demon, but Bad talked the whole time anyway.

It was lonely here. He couldn't do anything while the man was gone, so Bad just started to clean the house. For once it felt peaceful. Of course, it wouldn't last.


Somehow, Skeppy had followed him, still in that ugly color.

"Skeppy?" The demon looked at him, "I...I thought you stayed behind..."

"There's no egg there." He shrugged in response, "I don't know where it is."

"...The egg's gone, Skeppy," Bad turned away, try to focus on scrubbing down a nasty stain.

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