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Aren't they the cutest!!! @Noahh, Emmaa

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Aren't they the cutest!!! @Noahh, Emmaa


Emmaa : this picture is actually kinda cute 

        Noahh : yea, yea OH YOU LOOK SO CUTE

                  Emmaa : 🥰 

surfer_girl : double date?? Emmaa

         Emmaa: sure! I might have to force Noah to go tho

                  Noahh : you can't blame me that I'm anti-social.

gothgirl : Hey can get in on that double date?

      surfer_girl : who would u go with ur single

             gothgirl : Duncan duhhhh 

Dxncan : Gwen I'm not with u

     gothgirl : omggg for the last time bb I am not too good 4 u! He's so sweet 💕  

           Princess _Court : I didn't know u guys were together

Codykins<3 : Omg Duncney or Gwencan!? This is such a scandal!!!! Gwen r u actually dating Duncan!?

         gothgirl : yas, we were just nervous to tell everyone!

                  Dxncan : um I would like a say in thi-

KittyKat : wait was Duncan cheating on Gwen with Courtney in that photo I took!?!?

         gothgirl : omg bb make up ur mind UGLY🤮 STINKY🤢 COURTNEY😈 OR BEAUTIFUL😍, KIND🥰 ME!

              Dxncan : I choose Court.

                         gothgirl : 😭😭😭😭

The_Main_B*tch : what the actual f*ck happened

         surfer_girl : I've been here the entire time and I still don't know.

Dumb_Blonde : I'm confused 😕 

        The_Main_B*tch : wow shocker

Emmaa : Kitty, change the topic.

      KittyKat : Who wants more pictures!?

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