Total Drama Instagram 6

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Look who I found dancing in the moonlight 🌙🥰 @Party_Boy, surfer_girlsurfer_girl : as much as I don't agree with you taking stalker-ish pictures of us, this is super sweet!       Party_Boy : I remember this but I don't remember seeing Kitty on th...

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Look who I found dancing in the moonlight 🌙🥰 @Party_Boy, surfer_girl
surfer_girl : as much as I don't agree with you taking stalker-ish pictures of us, this is super sweet!
       Party_Boy : I remember this but I don't remember seeing Kitty on the dance floor...
                   KittyKat : Geoff, u were in some sort of trance during that dance. I called you over like 6 times and nothing! Absolutely nothing! U guys r more in love than Emma and Noah!
Codykins<3 : my Gidgette fans r going to go mad over this! OMG! 😱 I should so do a poll to find out who my fans fav ship is!!!! 😨😨😨
       Redhead : Sierra that might be a little controversial 😅
                  Codykins<3 : Is Zoey afraid she won't win so she's trying to shut down the poll!?!??!
                             Redhead : No! I'm just worried the everyone is going to get too competitive and when they lose it going to be hell for everyone!
Poof : I'm sure lil' miss Goody two shoes is just nervous that someone better is gonna beat her.
        Redhead : I'm not!
                Codykins<3 : Classic Anne Maria vs Zoey! Who will win?!
                         MasterChris : Find out next time on Total Drama Instagram!
Princess_Court : I think I'd left by then, too bad I didn't get to see you guys dance! 🥲
          Dxncan : Hey Princess I think you mean "we'd left by then"
                   KittyKat : You guys hadn't left yet, you were in one of the 3rd floor bedrooms
                            Noahh : oooooo stalker-lishious
        Snack_Time : oh wow Duncan!
                   Noahh : is no one acknowledging the fact Kitty knew they were in the 3rd floor bedroom???
                             KittyKat : Noah, I'd be quiet if I were you. I know what u did with my sister last night...
Dxncan : Kitty just calling ppl out
surfer_girl : ikr 😂

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