~Another Geoff Party~

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Owen : Heather? Are you going to talk to Al?
Heather : I don't know...
Liz : Um well. If you don't want to. We can head to-
Geoff : MY PARTY!
Beth : I've been meaning to wear my new heart braces!
Lindsay : Ooo yay! Wait guys I wanna go with Tyler.
Tyler : I'm right here Lindsay. Standing next to her.
Lindsay : No...your not Tyler...
Noah : Honestly how dumb can a person be.
Sadie : Shut ya face Noah-It-All!
Katie : Yeah! This is love!
Noah : Your saying I don't know anything about love? As far as I'm aware your not married.
Emma : Easy babe. Chill out.
Liz : Ok Geoff...your party?
Geoff : Right on let's go!
At da party.
Courtney : Wow Geoff this is a really nice place!
Bridgette : Babe you've never taken me here before, is it your parents?
Geoff : Nah it's my- Well it was my grandpa's. Rest in peace Pap. Anyways he left me with a bunch of stuff in his will!
Duncan : Sick man, what else did ya get?
Owen : Yeah!
Geoff : Well I got this house, a private pool, like 8 other mansions, a lake, a private island-
Cody : Back up man, how rich was your grandpa?
Geoff : Oh he's was like this 🤞 with the queen of England, Lizzy.
Cody : Damn Geoff your like Mr Beast!
Geoff : Thanks bro! Oh yeah, if anyone is up for a vaycay I got a private jet!
Heather : For real? Omg yes please!
Sierra : Omg eeeeeekkkkk!
Geoff : But guys that's for another chapter.
Liz : You can't do that! I break the fourth wall not you!
Geoff : Oopsies.
Geoff : Who wants to play a game?
Heather :If I can win it. I want it.
Geoff : There's prizes on the line!
Owen : Let it be food! Oh lord! Let it be food!
Geoff : For this, it's a pairs challenge BUT you can't be paired with you significant other and all couples must be boy/girl!
Duncan : Sucks for you Noah!
That's not a grease reference. I don't wanna talk about it.
Noah : Ha ha ha.
Geoff : Partner up!
Heather : Duncan, wanna team up?
Duncan : Sure Heath.
Owen : Sierra?
Sierra : Um sorry Owen. Im trying to find someone.
Owen : Oh, ok...good luck!
Justin : Kitty?
Kitty : Drop dead.
Noah : I-Izzy?
Izzy : Weeee! Sure Noah the know it all!
Noah : Ok Iz.
Cody : Bridgette, your pretty chill wanna team up?
Bridgette : Sure Cody.
Courtney : Geoff, you playing?
Geoff : Why you wanna be my partner?
Courtney : Yes please!
Geoff : Sure Court. :))
Sierra : Heather!
Heather : I'm not being your partner, I'm with Duncan.
Duncan : Sorry Sierra.
Sierra : Oh PA-LEASE like I'm being partners with the queen of mean? I'm looking for Alejandro.
Heather : Look with your own eyes, go and find him.
Sierra : Fineeeee!
Liz : Geoff, I don't have to play right? Pretty sure ppl will be mad if I implement myself into the story lol...
Geoff : Oh your playing! Go find a partner!
Liz : Geoff!
Scott : Dawn! Let me be your partner!
Dawn : I'm not playing! Geoff selected me, Dakota and brick to judge the competition.
Scott : But I'm desperate!
Liz : Scott. Get your ass over here right now.
Scott : What?!
Liz : we're the only people left, You need to be my partner!
Scott : Oh come on!
Liz : Trust me I'm not too thrilled either.
Geoff : Our first challenge....Is to get the best Instagram photo you can. One of you will be a model and the other will be a photographer! You have 2 hours, including editing! Begin!

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