Shall we introduce ourselves?

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At long last, Ashton had completed most of the unpacking that needed to be done. Their clothes were hung up in the impressive wardrobe the room had come with, shoes placed at the bottom. Ash had brought their bookshelf from home with them, and so that was arranged next to their bed, against the wall. All of their books stacked neatly in organized rows, uni text books were in a pile at the top. Actually building the furniture back up was a struggle with or without all the ghosts around them, even when it was just cheap IKEA furniture. They had good intentions to help, but they weren't very good at it. A couple of times, Ashton had to stifle back cries of warning after dropping planks of wood on their feet, momentarily forgetting they would just phase through the stuff.

Halfway through unpacking, Mike had popped back upstairs to warn Ashton that the pizza was on its way. They had learnt that Mike's attention span was quite short, and so he immediately got distracted and  started helping them place all the various plants that they had collected over the years around the room. He even went an grabbed a watering can from their garden to water the foliage after the long journey in cramped boxes in the back of the taxi. It was very much appreciated.

Eventually, Alison had to physically walk up the stairs and collect the new-found friends, as Ashton and Mike had put on ABBA music through a speaker and were dancing around the room, placing and rearranging to their tastes. Ashton had managed to get more done than they had hoped, they had even fastened up their pride flags onto the tall ceiling. It made everything feel more like home.

The duo abandoned their work at Alison's request, and the three (followed by the ghosts behind) went back downstairs to eat their well earned dominos pizza.

It did not fly under Ash's nose of Alison's attempt to excuse herself early from her perch on the sofa to follow the ghost with no trousers on and the Georgian woman (who Ash quite liked) who was excitedly skipping and talking about 'Love Actually', which was very amusing, but they thought it was best to hide keep their face on the last straggles of their food. It seemed male ghost was not as eager to watch that particular film and was arguing with Kitty (as they know knew) and trying to get poor Alison to put on 'Fifty Shades of Grey' which Ashton very much doubted would happen, despite all his pleading. All the while, as she walked out the room, trying not to be noticed by Ash.


After saying their goodnights, Ashton returned to their bedroom. They switched their fairy lights on and kicked off their slippers. Ash got undressed and into their night clothes, all the while a courteous Thomas lied on his side of the bed and hid his face in his hands until his roommate was fully clothed. Ashton had still not noticed him as they slid under the crisp sheets and plugged their phone into the closest socket. They grabbed their current book off the oak bedside table next to them and propped themselves up by the pillows.

Thomas was fascinated by the person, as the two shared so much alike. He sat up from his previous position and peered over Ashton's shoulder,
"What are you reading?" The poet asked, mainly to himself.

At the sudden realization that someone was there, Ash cried a startled yelp, jumped from their comfort and proceeded to topple out of bed in fright, the book comedically landed on their face, obstructing their view.

This had also frightened the latter, and he found his ghoulish body fall back as he managed to complete a full backwards summersault, toppling onto the hardwood floor on the other side of the bed.

Thomas was able to pull himself up first then -slowly- Ashton stood up, crimped book in one hand, the other was rubbing the new found sore spot on the back of their head.

Thomas began to speak first, "You can se-" but it was cut off hastily by the lodger. Not even their first 24 hours may they add.

"Okay! Yes! Fine I can see you! I can see you all!" They said, gesturing around them, arms wide as to show off the empty space.

"Huh" was all the other replied. "So how come you haven't acknowledged us yet? It is a bit rude" Thomas added, giving an almost pinching gesture for that last bit.

"Haha, yeah I know. I didn't want to freak anyone out if Alison and Mike couldn't see you" said Ash, lowering their hands and placing the forgotten book back on the side table, "But it's nice to have the company either way" they added with a smile.

"You do know she can see us too?, my dear Alison" Thomas also relaxed, sitting back onto the side of the four-poster, twisting his neck to look at Ash.

"I figured that one out pretty quick. She doesn't hide it well you know" They replied, trying to get back into their comfortable spot from before.

"Yes well she is only trying to hide it from you."

"Yeah, I would rather you didn't tell Alison about this. Not just yet". Ashton would prefer to spend some more time in and around the house to settle  before they thought about telling anyone. It would be easier to let them know, they thought.

"Dutifully noted" was all he said, with a small nod.

The pair delved into awkward silence.  Ash had completely abandoned their book and had started absentmindedly scrolling through Instagram. Thomas was counting the number of plants that has been placed around the room.

Without warning he exclaimed, "oh! I haven't introduced myself. How rude of me! Sir Thomas Thorne, pleased to meet your acquaintance."

"Yes, I overheard Pat mention your name, I'm Ashton or Ash as you will already know. I overheard you talking  about my waistcoats? I have a friend who makes clothes and he has sewn a few of those."

"Well I must say they are marvelous"

"Thank you! Your's is very lovely too"

"Oh you are kind"

Eventually the two agreed upon the sleep situation and Thomas promised to stay out of Ash's way while they were changing and if they needed it for any reason. They both fell asleep quite quickly. Ashton felt the weight of the busy day melt into the pillows. Their mind drifted towards their great-grandfather, who was probably sat in the old armchair that Ash had begged their mum to not throw out, as it had always been the old ghost's favourite. Though they suppose now, after seeing ghosts from a much older time, he wasn't as old as they thought.

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