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hey yall.

so my original intention was not to make a sequel because personally, i had a pretty good ending and you guys could imagine what happened next to y/n and harry. HOWEVER, this was wanted and sooo i am making this sequel for you guys.

honestly it might possibly be short idk, who knows?

trigger warning. 

this story contains obsessive behavior, forced sexual gestures, and blood/gore. possible graphic details as well. if you are triggered by that, please leave this story. 

basically, i am a bit excited for the sequel and what happens next to poor Y/N, although as usual, you can imagine completely different from what i've written, it's all up to you. BUT PLEASE, read mine only mine before the sequel, otherwise none of this will make sense whatsoever.

so i guess here's a little recap for you guys.


So she was also afraid of Harry, everyone seemed to have been afraid of harry, that terrified you more than anything. "We should leave, you whispered to Hermione, who nodded, and the both of you walked down the stairs.

"Are you two leaving now? Lily asked. You nodded."I think it's best that i do, i'm sorry, i promise i'll visit soon."

"of course Y/N, you're always welcome here."

You opened the door and started to walk, you felt uneasy and clearly, so did Hermione, then all of a sudden your vision started to blur, and everything went completely black.


You woke up in a dark room, tied up to a chair and tape over your mouth, at least you assumed so, you were terrified and all you wondered was where Hermione was, Tears poured down your face as the door opened. You hoped Hermione was at least alive and safe.

she clearly was taken as well since she was walking with you at the time. You saw Harry hovering over you, a smirk on his face, and he blurted the most terrifying sentence ever.

"Mine, Only Mine."

So yeah, there you go, Y/N never has peace doesn't she? lmao. I guess in a way i am pretty happy i chose to write a sequel although it might not be as good as book 1 but whatever.

hope you all enjoy<3

and i am back to another story:)

(i swear this and sunshine are my last hp books, this one was just requested) 

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