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no tw in this chapter, however i will be busy when school starts so ig slow updates when that time comes? unless i finish before then.


You felt more comfortable, Harry didn't seem to come and find you anytime soon, and you were finally having a peaceful summer, which is what you wanted all along. You never even expected for him to be a stalker and killer anyways.

"Y/N, Me and your father have made a conclusion, or decision, Mother told me at the table."You'll be spending some time with your grandparents for about a week, and I think you'll need this after all you've gone through." You nodded."Fine with me, i think... i'll pack now."

a feeling of nausea built in you, you went upstairs to the bathroom and vomitted, you also hadn't gotten your period yet and it was supposed to come. This was awfully strange.  "Mum,I'll be right back! You told your parents, and grabbed some muggle money before heading out.

You lived in a place where it was mainly full of muggles, so you decided to just go to the pharmacy store, where muggles went, but you were a witch, and your family was full of witches and wizards.

"Hello, The cashier said, you smiled."hello." you found a pregnancy test and bought it, before heading back, of course the entire time you felt someone watching you, and maybe harry's goal was to get you pregnant so you'd be forced to stay with him.

that bastard, you thought to yourself as you came to realization. maybe i'm not pregnant, i should calm down. You managed to sneak upstairs and into the bathroom, locking it behind you.  

You took the test and waited, three minutes passed and you anxiously looked at the test hoping it was negative.


That hurt your heart, you did not want your kidnapper's child, but you also wanted to be a mother, your mind was confusing you at that moment,unable to come down to a decision. You were pretty young, almost sixteen years old.

You hated that Harry did this to you, if you were to keep this baby, your education and future would be ruined. that may have been his plan all along. You sighed, you needed time to think about it. 

Hermione knocked on the door."F/N is back, Y/n, are you okay?" You started to sob. She opened the door and was confused as to why there was a pregnancy test on the counter, and she took a look at it.


"Y/N, is this yours? she asked, sympathetically. You nodded."I'm going to think about what to do, since i haven't made a choice yet." She smiled."Well, it is your body, so i respect whatever decision you make."

You smiled back."Thank you, Mione, i love you so much." She kissed you, then said,"I love you too, y/n. and always will."

If you were to keep the baby, you and hermione could raise the child together, a happy future, that was a positive thought. but at the same time, you could get an abortion and be happy, live your life, and then settle down and then have children.

You needed a few days at the most, abortion clinics usually were open often, so that was still a choice for you. There was no way you were choosing adoption, the foster system was hell, So that was out of the table.

"Y/N, is everything okay?"

Shit, You thought. You had to tell your parents, surely they'd understand, right?

There was only one way to know.


You came down the stairs and sat next to your mother. "Mum,Dad, i have some news, you said, sadly. Your Parents both looked concerned. "What is it, Honey? Dad asked. You sighed."I'm pregnant, and it's harry's child, i haven't decided on what to do yet so it might take a few days. but...it's not my fault."

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