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so many days in this hellhole.

Harry was a complete and utter psychopath, you should have seen the signs, yet, you were too naive, now here you were, tied up to a chair in some strange room, apparently, you were his now, he spoke those words to you. 

You hoped someone like your girlfriend would save you, you had a life ahead of you. Luckily, he fed you, kept you alive and all of that, but you did not want to be here. there was a window, though, one you could escape through. But you just had to get untied.

but how?

You heard your door open, and saw it was Harry. "Hello, Darling, i brought your food, he said, a creepy smile on his face, now that he had you, he was happy as ever. You just nodded.

"Not speaking, huh (Y/N)?"

You shook your head, tears falling down your face. he had a sympathetic look on his face immediately."F-Fine, i'll untie you, but don't leave, or i will do it again, got it?" You nodded once more, then he locked the door and left. 

See? completely pointless. at least you had a bed and things to do, like read or draw, or write.

Write, that's it.

You could write a letter to someone asking for help, perfect idea. I'm a genius, You thought. You grabbed a feather, and started to write.

(idk, i am pretty sure that is how they write in harry potter)

Dear Hermione, or whoever finds this, 

I NEED HELP. I've been in this hellhole for 3 months now and i am not dead, please find me, i don't know where i am, i am pretty sure i am at an abandoned place, but don't trust my word. All i know is i need help and want to be free.

The crazed Psychopath,Harry, has kept me tied for so long, i have no idea what happened to hermione, if you escaped, lucky you, I just can't do it alone. You may be wondering how i am writing, well he isn't here right now and i have a paper and feather to write with so i better make it quick.

Harry might come back, and yes, it is me, Y/N L/N, and tell my parents i am alive and need to be free.



"Please deliver this to my friends at hogwarts, You told your owl, and opened the window so that it was free, you let yourself fall to the ground, and sat down and sighed. You may have a chance to escape, hopefully.b If someone got that letter.

then, the door opened again.


Harry handed you food and asked,"why is the window open? did you plan to escape, if so, you belong to me, nobody else can have you."

this bitch is toxic.

"No, You lied."I just needed some fresh air to come in, i don't get anyway in here." He nodded."I understand. You know i love you, Y/n. i don't want anything to happen to you." This puzzled you. all of a sudden, he was soft, did he have bipolar or something?

"I understand, Harry, you said, with a fake voice. You hated him with all your guts, He murdered people that didn't deserve to die, and he probably would do more, if he had to. 

You never felt anything for him besides once, and that would never happen again.

"When can i see my friends again? You asked, he knew hermione was alive."a-and my girlfriend." He scowled."You don't have a girlfriend, y/n, remember? i am your boyfriend."

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