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tw:gore. don't worry this will still be a happy ending<3


You woke up, Hermione giggling."You slept in, silly. I did that as a joke." You laugh as she kissed you. "Funny, you say."i'm going to get changed, can you please leave the room?" She nodded, politely."of course."

You changed into a dress that fit you, with small sunflowers on it and an pastel yellow. "Whoa Y/n, you look beautiful, Hermione said."but i mean...you're always are..." You kissed her."I get it, nice compliments, though."

She chuckled."I'm terrible y/n." You smiled."Not really, Mione." "Breakfast is ready, Your Mother said, a smile on her face. "Thanks Mum, you told her. M/n nodded."Of course Y/N." You sat down and started to eating. You weren't too far along but you had food cravings, one of them being eggs, which was what you were having right now. 

"So Darling, did you sleep well? D/n asked. You nodded."I did, don't worry, I mean, i had occasioal nightmares, but i am fine now, do not be concerned." d/n and m/n both nodded, although a hint of concern was in their eyes, you hoped they would listen to you. Sometimes, they went a bit overboard when it came to protecting you, which was normal and something you were used to.

"Well, on an another note, Hermione and I got some new clothes yesterday, even ron and f/n, right? You asked your friends, who nodded,Ron was even wearing one of his new outfits, his family was poor, and most of his clothes were sadly hand-me-downs, which you never experienced for yourself since you were an only child.

Ron always complained to you on how unfair it was that he never got anything new, you understood what he was going through, yet you yourself couldn't relate, and neither could Hermione. But f/n and ron seemed to relate since F/N had siblings too, and had to get handmedowns often.

"They would make a great couple, You joked. Hermione laughed."Yeah." F/N did seem to be into Ron, and he definitely deserved a girlfriend. You smirk."I got an idea, Hermione, watch this." You went over to Ron and f/n, who by the way, were obviously flirting, You weren't dummy, and may have shoved them(unintentionally) into each other.

both kept apologizing to each other and you thought that was hilarious to witness, because it was. "make out already! You joke, and Ron was very red. "What did you do? he asked you, with a smile on his face.

"Nothing, you and f/n need to get together, i swear."

F/n laughed."oh y/n, what if i like someone else?" Ron frowned. F/n added,"I'm just kidding." She leaned in and You watched as F/N kissed Ron, who actually kissed her back. "Will you be my girlfriend, F/n? He asked. She nodded."Yes! a million times yes!"

She was reacting like he had just asked her to marry him, You thought it was both hilarious and sweet at the same time. You were also pleased that Ron had finally found someone who loved him. You felt bad that you basically rejected him a while back, but you did feel pleased that he found a girl.

"Congrats, hey Y/n, can we...er, go out today? it's our anniversary, Hermione asked, with a shy smile on her face. You nod."Of course! we'll be back, Mum and Dad!"

You had no idea what disaster was about to erupt.


You liked living in a Muggle Town, although there were other wizards and witches that lived in your neighborhood, but it was in secret, and you technically didn't live in a neighborhood, You lived on a hill, and the sun always shined.

Since Hermione was a muggle-born, she had knowledge on the muggle world and brought you to an ice cream parlor, as she called it. "Yum, Muggles make the best desert, you whispered. Hermione nodded."I know, It is weird to be back into the muggle world, ya know?"

You nodded, taking a spoonful of your ice cream."I understand completely." Once again, you couldn't relate to her, which was slightly annoying to you, because for once in your life, you wanted to really understand and sympathize with your friends and girlfriend, especially.

"y/n, what's on your mind?"

You sighed."A lot, i am very worried, though mainly about my pregnancy." She softly smiled."You'll do just fine, and will be an excellent mother." You smiled at your girlfriend lovingly."Thank you, 'Mione, that means a lot to me, actually."

Hermione glanced down then put her head back up, then leaned in to kiss you, you accidentally got ice cream on her face. She laughed."Really Y/n?" You laughed."I just had to do it, 'Mione." She giggled."You got me, y/n."

"huh? what do you mean by that?"

"i am really in love with you, and i guess, i was just too nervous to admit it to you."

Your heart fluttered at that statement, because you too, were really in love with hermione. you nod, and shyly smile."I am very in love you as well 'Mione. and always will, can we go to the park?"

She nodded."I want to do that, too, so that sounds like fun." Now, the both of you were lying down in the park, looking at the clouds. This was one of your best days that you ever had in your life.

and you've had plenty of the best days ever before, so that says a lot.

"See? that cloud looks like a dog, Hermione pointed. You laughed."No, it looks like a donkey, honestly, mione, are you blind?"

"i am not!"

Suddenly, you had a bad feeling in your stomach, luckily, you had a wand to use. "Mione, i have a really bad feeling... You say. She frowns."Me too." All of a sudden, Hermione is shoved into the ground, she had been pushed, at least it was the grass. There stood your psychotic stalker.

"Y/n, time to come back! he boomed. but you were ready. 

"Not today, Satan!"

You stabbed him right in the heart, blood came onto your hands as he fell to the ground, He was dead, you knew it, Hermione stood up. "Is he really dead? She asked you.

You smiled at her."I think so, Hermione."

You were finally free, After all these months, The dude who raped you, got you pregnant, was dead. You didn't do anything with the body, letting it rot there as he deserved it. You went home and told your parents. They were relieved that the man behind all of your troubles, was dead.

Now, you had a chance to raise the child with hermione. 

and that was the best gift of all. 

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