The Phone Call (Fluff, Adrienette)

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Marinette was lying face-down on her bed, as she had been for the past half hour.

"Marinette, are you alright?" Tikki asked, nervously.

A slow and pitiful thumbs up was given in reply, somehow managing to exuberate as much sarcasm as a thumbs up can show. Tikki sighed and flew closer to Marinette's ear. She took a sweet, tiny breath and then said:

"GET UP!" In as loud a voice as she could muster.

Marinette groaned and rolled onto her back, covering her face with a cushion.

"What is wrong, Marinette? You haven't been yourself since we left school- Oh..." Tikki trailed off, recalling what had happened earlier that day.


"Alright. Bye, Marinette - Call you later!" Alya shouted over her shoulder as she walked home.

Marinette waved and slung her bag across her shoulder. She turned to start walking but was taken aback by someone behind her.

"Oh, sorry! Didn't see you there-" Her voice cut off as she saw who it was. "ADRIEN!"

"Hey, Marinette. Sorry for startling you." Adrien smiled, clearly not noticing the stuttering spiral he had sent Marinette down.

"Whaaaaat? Sorry for startling ME? You didn't STARTLE me, you DAZZLED m- I mean, you did. You-uh- you did startle me. Eheh." Her face was frozen in an awkward grin.

"Okay...Well, I should head home. Get home safely!" He gave her another award-winning smile (literally) and turned to leave.

"Adrien, WAIT!"

He turned back around, puzzled. "Yeah?"

Marinette froze. She hadn't meant to say that. It had come out while she was still under the effect of how GORGEOUS he was. Oh, nooooo. What was she going to do? Everything inside her was screaming at her to: ABORT MISSION! ABORT! But she was this far now, and decided to take the leap.

"Uhh...Would you like to- I mean, are you free to hang?" She blinked. Did she really just say free to hang? "I-I mean, if you're free, would you like to go to the movies with me?"

Her whole body cringed at what she just said. Why, oh why, did she ever think it was a good idea to ask this life-destroying question?

"Oh...I'm sorry, Marinette, I wish I could. But..." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck while looking over at his bodyguard, who tapped his watch. He sighed. "I'm really busy tonight. Some other night, maybe?"

Marinette's face was so red it was a surprise it didn't reveal her identity as Ladybug right then and there.

"Oh, yeah, of course! Ahahah, I wasn't even...I didn't...I actually forgot I have lots of, um, BREAD to bake tonight. So, yeah..." The sentence faded off, leaving her standing there, pointing finger guns at Adrien.

"Okay, well...See you later!" Adrien gave a half-smile, still upset that he wasn't able to have fun with his friend.

Marinette watched as he entered his car and drove off. She gave a loud sigh and walked home, occasionally wailing and disturbing innocent passersby.


Another loud wail brought Tikki back to the present.

"It's not that bad." She said, attempting to cheer her up.

Marinette sat upright. "But, it IS, Tikki! Perfect Adrien is going to think I am a total weirdo and the worst part is - he won't be wrong!"

She sprawled across her bed and began dramatically listing everything in her life that has now been ruined.

"I'll go in to school next week and I'll see Adrien and I'll be so embarrassed that I'll not focus on my work and THEN I'll get kicked out of school and THEN I'll never be able to get a job and THEN I'll be lying homeless in the street and Paris won't have a Ladybug!"

Tikki looked at her, feeling sorry for her but mostly amused.

"You know, Marinette, nothing you worry about ever happens. You will be fine!"

Marinette groaned and pulled her blanket all the way over her face.

"Wake me up when my life isn't a disaster."

Smiling, Tikki lay on the pillow beside her. It had only been a few minutes and then...

Ring ring.

Like a bolt of lightning, Marinette scrambled out of bed and over to her phone. She knew it would be Alya and she really needed some of her best friend's advice right now. But when she reached out to pick up the call, she realised it wasn't Alya...

"It's Adrien!" Marinette squeaked, looking over at Tikki. "What do I do? Tikki, what do I do???"

"I don't know, maybe...Answer it?" Tikki suggested.

"No, I can't! It must be a mistake, why would he be-" She was cut off by her thumb accidentally pressing the answer button.

"Hello? Marinette?" The voice through the phone said.

Marinette didn't answer immediately. She was staring at Tikki for help, her mouth forming words but no noise coming out.

"Are you there?"

"Uhhhhhh....Yes! Yes, I'm here." She managed to squeak out.

"Oh, good! Listen...My schedule has been freed up and my father has allowed me this once to go into the city with my free-time. Do you still want to go to the movies?"

A silence passed. Marinette needed Tikki to pinch her to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"T-the movies? Yes, yeah! I'd love to go with you! Who wouldn't? I- I mean...Who WOULD? N-no, I don't mean that i-in a bad way-"

She looked over at Tikki who was shaking her head, warning her to wrap it up.

"I-Yes. Yes, Adrien, I really want to go to the movies."

"Great! I'll pick you up in an hour! See you then!" Even through the phone, it was easy to tell Adrien was grinning.

Marinette kept the phone up to her ear, long after Adrien had hung up.

"Tikki, did that really just happen?"

When reality finally dawned on her, she jumped up and down, giving Tikki a hug with her cheek. It seems her life was not as disastrous as she had thought five minutes ago.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first one-shot! Thank you so much if you are here and reading xx I promise lots more fluff will be coming! I am not throwing away my one-shot (hello Hamilton fans, I see you)

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