Episode 4:Ayaka

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Daitan:I'm going out for my morning run will you two be alright
Koshiro:*doing push-ups*
Chika:yeah we'll be fine
Koshiro:Chika go with her
Chika:why I wanna stay here with you
Koshiro:go with her I need to do this alone
Daitan:alright come on it won't take us too long
Chika:okay *walks over*
Both:*walk out*
Koshiro:*falls forward and turns over* why did you have to die Akira why couldn't it be me no why did we accept that game we still had time
Daitan:do you really trust him by himself
Chika:yeah Koshiro is strong I know he'll find a way to get through this
Daitan:well we have to play a game tonight
Chika:what about the ten 10 day break you can have before you need to play again
Daitan:it doesn't matter how many lives you have you die no matter how high the count is
Daitan:yeah so you'd have to play on day 10
Chika:I see
Daitan:still I want to see his genius again
Chika:why are you helping us
Daitan:because I know he can be the key to getting out of this place
Chika:so you're just using us
Daitan:if anything I'd be using him you're just something left over
Chika:I would have you know I'm a warrior when I need to be
Daitan:I can't wait to see that
*at the house*
Koshiro:Akira why
Akira:are you just gonna lay on the ground like that
Koshiro:*sits up* Akira I thought you died
Akira:I am dead but this is what your mind wants to see most
Koshiro:oh I see
Akira:don't be sad Koshiro it's not like you to be this way
Koshiro:but we all could've lived nobody had to die in that game
Akira:guess it just wasn't meant to be
Koshiro:at least she's dead now
Akira:yeah but that wasn't necessary she was our friend
Koshiro:she didn't care about us she only cared about her survival
Akira:find the will to forgive her in the future if she didn't die
Koshiro:no I won't forgive her
Akira:if you can't do it for yourself then do it for me and Chika
Koshiro:I'll think about it
Akira:keep working hard I'm sure you'll make some really good friends
Koshiro:see you Akira
Both:*walk in*
Koshiro:*looks over* hey
Daitan:are you gonna accept the game tonight or do you need a break
Koshiro:yeah I'll go
Koshiro:you better unleash that inner warrior I'm talking Amaya levels of energy
Chika:I gotcha
Koshiro:*gets up*
Chika:*walks over* were you able to say goodbye
Koshiro:yeah we had a nice talk
Chika:*smiles* I'm glad
Koshiro:*puts his hand on her head* do you think now that we've come this far we'll receive more information on a game
Daitan:not really it's been the same ever since I've been here
Koshiro:I see
Chika:do you still think you can come up with a plan
Koshiro:of course I won't lose in a game ever again
Chika:yeah we're all gonna survive
Daitan:you have courage
Koshiro:I need it because I won't survive without it
Daitan:well you're not wrong
Chika:where's my chocolate
Koshiro:what are you talking about
Chika:you promised me remember
Koshiro:I don't remember that
Chika:well still I want chocolate
Koshiro:okay come on we're going to the store to see if there's any left
Chika:yay *hops on his back*
Koshiro:we'll be back
Daitan:don't get into trouble
Koshiro:same for you *walks out*
Chika:it's always fun when we do this
Chika:now I kinda wish we were back in the real world
Koshiro:yeah I don't care if my home life sucks at least Akira wouldn't be dead
Chika:and we can enjoy life
Chika:and we can go on a date
Chika:you say what
Chika:*blushes* oh it's nothing
Koshiro:I just wish I could reverse everything
Chika:who knows maybe we'll have a chance to become god in the end of all this chaos
Koshiro:I doubt it this doesn't seem like that kind of situation
Chika:what if it was
Koshiro:then I would reverse everything so that you guys don't get pulled into this
Chika:how thoughtful
Koshiro:what about you
Chika:I'd get a bunch of chocolate bars and then I'll make you go on a date with me doesn't that sound fun
Koshiro:a date with god sounds boring
Chika:you're going on a date with god that's the funnest thing you can do
Koshiro:I don't know if all god is gonna make us do is eat chocolate together
Chika:you know me so well
Koshiro:yeah let's just hurry up and check
Chika:yeah I know
Koshiro:this is for you Akira
Chika:when we get back we'll hold your funeral
*in another building*
Hikari:there are some interesting participants don't you think
Misumi:yeah it may not seem like much but that girl has great potential she's just not using it
Hikari:you can tell
Misumi:yeah I can't wait to meet them in the midway games
Hikari:especially those two guys they're absolute geniuses
Misumi:yeah they're worthy of taking our place if they make it far enough
Chika:*eating a chocolate bar*
Daitan:*doing jump ropes*
Koshiro:*clasps his hands together looking at the ground* this next one is the easiest one yet
Koshiro:we don't have to worry about this game it's relatively easy
Daitan:how can you be so sure
Koshiro:it's a gut feeling I think Chika will do particularly well
Chika:but I'm always unprepared
Koshiro:I think you have potential to be as great as me physically if not intellectually
Chika:what a way to put it
Daitan:are you sure
Koshiro:yeah I am
Chika:was it a pattern
Koshiro:there is no pattern
Daitan:so then why are you so sure we'll get something easy
Koshiro:it's just luck that's all
Koshiro:yeah we'll get something easy after being tormented
Daitan:and you think it's because of luck
Chika:well he's never really been wrong
Koshiro:of course I was prepared for a situation like this I've seen many death games similar to the ones we've played
Daitan:so you're one of those preppers
Koshiro:not really I've just been unintentionally prepared I guess
Chika:yeah you always read a lot
Daitan:so you were a nerd back in the real world
Koshiro:not at all I sucked in school I just learned to think on my feet in deadly situations
Daitan:I see
Chika:yeah he surprisingly gets lower scores than me and I'm not the best in school so that's something
Daitan:I guess this brought out the real you
Koshiro:yeah I want to see the real Chika
Chika:I am the real Chika
Koshiro:so all that inner warrior talk was a lie then
Chika:uh no I just uh
Chika:just shut up!
Koshiro:whether it's luck or not I'll make sure we get through all the games we have to and that's a promise
Chika:yeah for Akira
Koshiro:*puts his hand out*
Chika:*puts her hand on top*
Koshiro:well what are you waiting for
Daitan:*puts her hand on top* for you dad
Koshiro:team spirit!
Chika:team spirit!
Daitan:yeah team spirit
Koshiro:you should use puzzle apps on your phone or brain quizzes
Daitan:why's that
Koshiro:so it can help with the intellectual side of things I had Chika do it and just look at her
Koshiro:I mean she's working on it but there's no doubt that it's working
Daitan:I'll think about it
Koshiro:Chika if there is ever a time where we don't have enough people and something requires two people switch places with me
Chika:Koshiro you don't have to worry
Koshiro:don't worry I can handle it especially for you
Chika:*blushes* okay
Daitan:if it's physical activity I'm sure we'll be fine
Koshiro:there's two possibilities for that
Daitan:what makes you say so
Koshiro:either it'll be a small amount as a group like 50-100 or a high amount in groups like 100 or a single person doing a high amount and surviving
Daitan:then you two should be in a group I'm okay going by myself
Koshiro:no I'm planning on trying something and I don't want you guys in the way
Koshiro:don't worry it's nothing crazy up until now I've been able to find the answer or loopholes to win
Daitan:are you saying every game has a chance of winning
Koshiro:game over isn't always death you'll die if it takes out all your health because that's immediate death but you can also die in the game from circumstances
Daitan:so then it's possible to win every game
Koshiro:yeah each game has clear conditions but if you overthink the conditions you'll trip up and fail
Daitan:I see
Chika:wait but what if they've seen how you played then we can't use the same tricks
Koshiro:I'm prepared for that too because nobody will die again
Koshiro:*takes out a pocket knife* this is from Akira I'm entrusting it to you
Chika:but it would be better if you have it
Koshiro:*pulls out a machete* you can take this one
Daitan:where did you get this
Koshiro:from the last game I grabbed stuff before I left they never said anything about taking weapons
Daitan:well I don't need this
Koshiro:you can never be too sure
Daitan:I'll just keep it cause you're saying so but I don't really need it
Chika:but what about you what are you going to use
Koshiro:nothing because I'm already in my optimal state
Chika:game notification
Chika:the gymnasium
Koshiro:*shakes his head* doesn't matter I'll win this one because I have to
Daitan:alright if we walk it shouldn't take too long
Koshiro:okay let's go
Chika:*hops on his back* don't worry I can handle myself you don't need to worry
Koshiro:I want a reason not to worry
Chika:yeah me too
Daitan:are you sure I shouldn't let you two do it and I do it alone
Koshiro:we're a group and I already know how to win
All:*walk out*
Daitan:okay if it's some physical activity
Koshiro:we'll win for sure
Chika:are you prepared for anything
Koshiro:yeah I expect bonus games in the future
Chika:so games where you get prizes
Koshiro:yeah like rewards and maybe even special items but that's just a stretch
Chika:I see then would they be easier or harder than the normal games
Koshiro:I don't know it would probably depend on the game
Koshiro:if there are let's play because maybe the people who are behind this will be watching and he'll definitely be there
Daitan:what if it's exclusive to those who passed a certain amount of games
Koshiro:then we'll definitely pass that requirement
Daitan:if you say so
All:*walk into the lobby*
Koshiro:so far nobody else has shown up
Ayaka:*walks in*
Announcer:current participant count, 4 with 2 minutes till registration closes
Chika:*hops down* maybe we won't have to worry about a plan
Ayaka:*looks back*
Koshiro:*looking at her* what
Ayaka:*looks forward* if you stick in a group like that you'll just end up dying
Koshiro:are you alone
Ayaka:I came alone for the game I'm sticking with one person for now
Koshiro:I see
Chika:you have really nice hair
Ayaka:uh thanks
Chika:what's your friends name
Ayaka:who said we were friends
Chika:it takes two friends to make a group
Koshiro:actually two people make a group
Chika:same thing
Ayaka:it's totally different
Announcer:registration closed
Ayaka:now for the fun
Announcer:the game is jump with a difficulty level of 5 and the rules are to do jumping jacks
Daitan:sounds easy
Announcer:multiply the amount of people here by 100 and you have the total amount of jumping jacks you need to do
Ayaka:that's child's play
Announcer:you can split it up between everyone and do 100 to meet the goal or do it by yourself whatever way helps the whole group reach 400 is fine
Koshiro:don't get too tired Chika
Chika:I'll be okay
Daitan:okay me and her do 200 and you two will do 200
Ayaka:don't get in my way I'm doing 1,000 but you can each do 400 yourselves
Koshiro:this is the easiest one till now
Announcer:failure to meet the win conditions and the penalty will be a loss of 5 lives from your life count and a game over
Ayaka:so don't get in my way
Announcer:game begin
All:*walk in*
Koshiro:they never said each of us had to do 400 it's rather the whole group needs to reach 400
Chika:so then we can do a minimum amount
Daitan:and reach the goal
Koshiro:exactly so I'll do 250
Daitan:I'll do 100
Chika:I'll do 50 then
Ayaka:*doing jumping jacks*
Koshiro:okay I'll go first *starts doing jumping jacks*
Ayaka:*speeds up her pace*
Koshiro:(does she really plan on doing 1,000)
Chika:wow she's really fast
Daitan:at this point we won't even need to do our plan she'll finish it for us
Koshiro:no keep up with the plan because she's not stopping anytime soon
Koshiro:*stops* okay thats 250
Daitan:*walks over and starts doing jumping jacks* okay time for 100
Ayaka:*speeds up her pace more*
Chika:are you okay Koshiro
Koshiro:yeah a bit tired but it's jumping jacks and I'm not all that fit so this isn't my kind of stuff to be honest
Chika:yeah I get it
Ayaka:778, 779, 780
Daitan:(she's already done way more than required so why isn't the game over)
Koshiro:get ready to hop in and don't stop until you hit 50 I have a feeling this just got really interesting
Daitan:*jumps back* that's 100
Chika:*walks over and starts doing jumping jacks* okay 5 sets of 10
Koshiro:if that's how you need to do it that's fine
Chika:that's two sets 3 left to go
Ayaka:880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890
Chika:(she's done so much already)
Koshiro:I figured out this game now
Daitan:what is it
Koshiro:it won't stop not just if the game doesn't meet the requirement but everyone needs to stop
Daitan:I see
Chika:*jumps back* and that's 50
Ayaka:*doing jumping jacks*
Chika:are you sure that's okay she's doing so much
Ayaka:990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999
Koshiro:here we go
Ayaka:*mumbles* 1,000 *speeds up her pace*
Koshiro:hey stop you idiot the game is over you can stop it'll end the game
Ayaka:*stops and looks at him*
Announcer:game complete, participants Koshiro Kondo, Chika Asai, Daitan Endo and Ayaka Hamada are awarded 5 lives in their life count for completing the game
Ayaka:*charges at him*
Kenji:Ayaka stop you already finished
Koshiro:*looks back* you
Kenji:*waves* hey
Koshiro:what are you doing here
Kenji:I'm here to pick her up
Koshiro:I see so you two were a group
Kenji:yeah unlikely duo a powerhouse and a genius
Ayaka:let's go already this game was boring
Kenji:I'll see you around Koshiro
Koshiro:don't die I want to see you in a game again
Kenji:maybe you will who knows
Both:*walk out*
Koshiro:that's another game done so you now have 15 lives that's 35 away from the goal
Chika:*hugs him* you don't have to do this
Koshiro:I'm doing it so you can get out of this hellhole
Daitan:you're coming with us whether you like it or not
Chika:yeah besides your promised me that we'll go out on that date
Koshiro:I never promised you any of that!
Chika:well it's a promise now so don't break it in anyway or I'll beat you up
Koshiro:like you could ever
Chika:I don't want to see you look like you did when you came back from the second game you played
Koshiro:you'll never see me injured again

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