Episode 18:Big boss

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Itsuki:*walks in* this the place
Kenji:seems like it
Bunko:yeah this is it
Hiroshi:*standing there*
Manami:*runs over and hugs him* Hiroshi
Hiroshi:oh hey you guys made it
Itsuki:you know what's going on
Hiroshi:not yet but they said 4 more people and we start and well you guys arrived
Kenji:how interesting
Hiroshi:where's Rei
Chizue:yeah my servant should be
Itsuki:I don't know he wasn't with my group
Hiroshi:so you made it here with them
Manami:yeah all because of Itsuki
Itsuki:it's nothing I just knew you wanted to see Hiroshi and so you couldn't just die there
Chika:so Koshiro still isn't here
Kenji:weird I made it here but Ayaka didn't
Chizue:I like her she's one of my favorite people
Kenji:I've been told
Chizue:I know she'll find us I promised her a spot destroying the world when I become god
Daitan:seems like we're not all too different from our juniors
Itsuki:well then this is the semifinal game or so I've been told
Daitan:don't worry Chika we're gonna win and Koshiro will come I know he will
Itsuki:so you're Chika
Itsuki:you can consider me Koshiro's shadow I guess my name is Itsuki and since he told me just how important you are I'll stick with you
Chika:*blushes* really
Itsuki:yeah he said he just wants to kill the game master and get you out of here
Chika:of course he never thinks about himself only the others around him
Daitan:then I presume you're smart
Itsuki:and strong about 3 people maybe 4 have an ability so that's beneficial
Chika:an ability?
Itsuki:we got it from our game master but he's dead now
Daitan:you killed him
Itsuki:no it was another game master if anything seemed like he was just taking orders
Chika:of course
Misumi:*appears on the screen*
All:*look over*
Misumi:hello students it's nice to meet you all I'm your teacher Misumi but you can just call me Misu for short
Itsuki:that's her she did it
Misumi:those of you who are here I congratulate you for making it this far now for the game and rules they're simple trust me
Kenji:*sits on a desk* let's see how should we plan ahead
Misumi:the game is called Big Boss and the rule is to beat the big boss in the end
Bunko:sounds simple
Misumi:now then he has an army of stalkers which are those human looking monsters
Itsuki:I hate those things
Kenji:tell me about it
Misumi:and the big boss we made him super strong don't worry he's not a manga character he's someone we created but it's good for you thrill seekers right
Chizue:hell yeah!
Misumi:I assume one of you cheered well it's been good so you better start moving or else the building will be overrun
Chika:*walks over and looks out the window* oh my god
Itsuki:Hiroshi, Kenji
Kenji:I know
Hiroshi:we're gonna clear the path for you guys
Itsuki:*eyes narrow as his vision splits* compound vision
Hiroshi:*gets in stance then breathes in and out as smoke comes from his mouth* one breath
Itsuki:now let's go!
All:*run out the door*
Stalkers:*running up the stairs*
Itsuki:*looks over* a dozen from the left stairway
Hiroshi:on it *runs over and straight punches them down the steps*
Chizue:*runs over and drop kicks a few before turning and kicking one in the face* these guys are boring
Chika:I can see why they would like each other
Itsuki:keep it up!
All:*run downstairs*
*somewhere outside*
Rei:*kicks one in the face* what the hell where did these guys come from
Ayaka:*grabs one by the face and slams it to the ground*
Koshiro:*punches it in the face* I really hated fighting these guys
Rei:Kenji must be in the game along with the others
Koshiro:so Chika is there
Ayaka:don't worry my two favorite people are with her
Koshiro:and Itsuki so I trust that he can keep her safe
Rei:*grabs them and flies off* okay let's hope we can find them
Koshiro:we will find them
Rei:yeah I know
Itsuki:*eyes go back to normal* okay we should head straight for the boss
Chizue:yeah a worthy challenge just like that hooded guy
Hiroshi:okay I'll be on defense
Itsuki:girls stay in the middle
Kenji:we'll keep watch on all sides
Itsuki:now then *switches to compound vision and looks around* there's a group in the forest so we should avoid that
Chizue:*runs forward* you can take your own route I'm going straight through!
Kenji:just like Ayaka
Chika:yeah running off on her own
Bunko:you guys really are all sorts
Chika:you're Hiroshi right
Chika:you remind me of Akira if only he was alive now
Hiroshi:yeah I heard what happened
Stalkers:*standing in the forest*
Chizue:*charges over* move out of the way!
Stalker:*charges at her and strikes*
Chizue:*kicks it in the face* I said outta the way!
Stalker:*kicks from the side*
Chizue:*ducks and hook kicks it in the face*
Stalker:*comes down and elbows*
Chizue:*grabs its elbow then turns and slams it to the ground head first then looks at the others* anyone else
Blind stalker:*walking over*
Chizue:you're missing your head
Blind stalker:*extends its arm as it splits out into spines*
Chizue:*dodges then steps and hops around them then spins and elbows it in the face*
Blind stalker:*pulls back*
Chizue:*grabs its arm then bites down and tears it off*
Stalkers:*storm her from all sides*
Chizue:*turns and punches one down then starts striking*
Itsuki:no way she's single handily beating all of them
Kenji:that's what you should expect of super humans
Chizue:*throws her arms out knocking them all away* you persistent bastards are annoying
Stalker:*walks over and strikes*
Natsuki:*kicks it in the face*
Natsuki:it's not good to go off on your own
Chizue:I said I'm taking my own route
Itsuki:you're with the group and besides you want to see Rei don't you
Chizue:of course because he's my servant
Kenji:she probably gave Ayaka ideas now
Itsuki:let's stop at a store and take a small break then we'll resume moving
Chizue:fine I could use a drink anyway
Kenji:yeah and there's something I have to grab for Ayaka for when we met
Chika:so you did keep your word
Kenji:I told Koshiro I would and this guy's his shadow so I'll do it
Chika:that's sweet
Kenji:don't get it wrong this is just to calm her wrath so I don't die first thing when she gets here
Chizue:Ayaka I can't wait to see her again maybe we can take down that boss guy together
Chika:yeah I can use a break from all that running
Natsuki:some of us should keep watch outside just in case of something
Kenji:I'll wait outside because nothing is getting past me
Bunko:so will I
Itsuki:okay it's settled now let's go
All:*run off*
*in the sky*
Rei:*flying* I can definitely sense them nearby we're getting close
Ayaka:it's so great looking down
Koshiro:these monsters must be part of a game
Ayaka:hey when we get there do you think we can split
Koshiro:that wouldn't be a bad idea
Ayaka:make sure you throw me into a battle
Rei:I'll try my best but I can't guarantee anything
Koshiro:I'm going to look for Chika then I can kill Hikari
Rei:I need to find the others
Ayaka:I want to see Kenji but I want to destroy some stuff while I'm at it
Rei:makes sense
Ayaka:my two favorite people are gonna be there so it's even better
Koshiro:I see you like Kenji that much
Ayaka:don't get it twisted he's just a good friend and he's my prey so if he dies before I get there I'll kill everyone else and become god
Rei:even Chizue
Ayaka:yeah even her
Koshiro:well I know he won't die so don't worry about him he's a tough guy
*in the store*
Chizue:*drinking* I love chocolate milk
Itsuki:*sitting on the ground* man this is all just so crazy
Chika:I know
Hiroshi:but we're almost done the end is near
Chizue:and I'm gonna be god
Chika:I'm gonna go back to the real world with Koshiro
Manami:let's meet when we get back to the real world
Itsuki:yeah I want to see my family
Bunko:I don't really care whether I live or not
Chizue:then let me grant that wish I'll kill you
Bunko:no Koshiro has to be the one to do it so he can finally get over the past
Bunko:it's fine besides it all started because of me if I just listened instead of worrying about my survival Akira would still be here
Daitan:it's fine that's in the past
Itsuki:why don't we truly introduce ourselves like what we did before we came here
Chika:okay if you were a Highschool student raise your hand
Itsuki:*raises his hand*
Chika:*raises her hand*
Chizue:*raises her hand*
Natsuki:*raises her hand*
Daitan:*raises her hand*
Hiroshi:*raises his hand*
Manami:*raises her hand*
Itsuki:*walks over and opens the door* what were you guys before you ended up here
Kenji:I'm a university student
Bunko:I work an office job in finance
Itsuki:okay then Ayaka
Kenji:she's also a university student
Itsuki:thanks *walks back* okay so the majority of us are Highschool students
Chika:makes sense but then why would Bunko end up here if she's an office worker
Itsuki:who knows
Chizue:*wipes her mouth then stands up* okay then let's go
Itsuki:no we have to establish base
Chizue:can't you feel it
Itsuki:feel what
Chizue:that sensation
Itsuki:*switches to compound vision and looks forward* what the
Hiroshi:what do you see
Itsuki:there's some massive aura and it's not a group of those things
Hiroshi:that's not good
Chizue:come on let's go if we start fighting they'll come to us
Chizue:the others
Itsuki:okay then guys let's make our way towards the final boss and soon all of this will be over
Chika:okay let's do it
All:*walk out*
Kenji:we going
Kenji:okay then *stretches* this should be something
Chizue:*runs ahead*
Itsuki:of course she goes ahead
Chongkun:*sitting in the middle of the shrine*
Chizue:I'm gonna be there and destroy it all
Rei:we're getting close I can sense Chizue
Ayaka:haha! I can't wait
Koshiro:(I'm almost there Chika just wait a little longer I promise)
Ayaka:here we go!
Chizue:final destruction hours!
Both:are upon us!

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