Episode 9:Final plan

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Daitan:*moving her feet to the beat* I haven't done this since I was back in the real world
Both:*walk in*
Chika:can we join
Daitan:go right ahead
Chika:great let's go
Koshiro:you can do it I'm not really good at these kind of things
Chika:okay your loss *hops on*
Koshiro:*sits down looking at the ground* now to determine conditions
Kenji:*walks in* great let's do it
Koshiro:you just like showing up at random don't you
Kenji:I just wanted to see what was going on with you
Koshiro:I'm just trying to think of how my game will go
Kenji:I don't really think it's something you should worry about
Koshiro:what makes you say that
Kenji:think about every game that you've beaten up until now
Koshiro:I hated most of them
Kenji:honestly they've all been easy right
Koshiro:I guess once you start to understand the rules and conditions
Kenji:they won't plan on making it any harder I think your game will be simple
Kenji:the only way you'll lose is because you tend to overthink before arriving at a conclusion
Koshiro:never noticed that
Kenji:I tend to wait and then arrive at my conclusion like when we first met
Koshiro:that was something trying to stab that guy with a comb
Kenji:it's a viable weapon if you use it right
Kenji:about your plan
Koshiro:let's talk about that later I don't want them to overhear
Koshiro:because I don't want to see her cry
Kenji:such connected souls I could never understand such a thing
Koshiro:yeah you were never one for connection huh
Kenji:I shunned that away friends will only get in the way
Koshiro:what about Ayaka then
Kenji:she's just a tool I can use
Koshiro:wow what a way to look at it
Kenji:she's not smart so she won't help there but her strength is something I could use for my plans
Koshiro:what are you aiming to do with this place
Kenji:I just want to get out of here that's it
Koshiro:you don't plan to rule this world
Kenji:what type of fool would think of such a thing you'd just be taking their place if you did that
Koshiro:you're not wrong
Kenji:what do you plan on doing
Koshiro:I'm gonna kill that guy and then get freedom for the rest of us
Kenji:what about you
Koshiro:if I have to die here so be it as long as Chika makes it out alive
Kenji:you never think about yourself huh
Koshiro:maybe so
Kenji:how fascinating well I'll be waiting for you later
Koshiro:sure thing
Kenji:*walks out*
Chika:*walks over* what were you two talking about
Koshiro:it was nothing
Daitan:*walks over* okay then what are the plans
Koshiro:Chika let's play strip rock paper scissors
Chika:no way I'm not doing that again!
Koshiro:fine every time you lose I'll give you a kiss or something
Chika:no that wouldn't be the right moment how about a hug
Chika:I won't hold back
Koshiro:there's no real holding back it's all psychology
Chika:don't say that you're making me nervous now
Koshiro:relax it won't be bad
Chika:okay let's do it
Hikari:*looking at the screen*
Misumi:you still watching them
Hikari:I think I should start our game soon
Hikari:I know he's a fun guy
Misumi:what are you playing
Hikari:rock paper scissors
Misumi:one block
Hikari:yeah the first two will be ties and we see who wins the last one
Misumi:if he loses
Hikari:I won't do anything he'll just have lost the game
Misumi:true these are just bonus games
Hikari:however I think I'll send those two to that one if they make it through this
Misumi:oh wow you want them to die
Hikari:no they're quite interesting and I want to test their intelligence since they always find a way to win
Misumi:yeah true
Hikari:let's do something like a dodgeball game against us after his game
Misumi:I'm down
Koshiro:now then let's see if I'm gonna lose or not
Chika:you're down to your underwear and there's no real punishment for me so
Koshiro:well I'll at least try to win
Chika:okay let's go
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Koshiro:*throws scissors*
Chika:*throws rock* guess you lost
Koshiro:well that was good I needed to lose to someone underneath me
Chika:what's that supposed to mean
Koshiro:*starts putting his clothes back on* if I'm not betting on you then I have nothing to lose in this game
Koshiro:just a 50/50 game with whatever on the line
Chika:just don't lose okay
Koshiro:don't worry I can't lose because then I'd be making you cry and I don't want that to happen
Chika:then make sure you win
Koshiro:yeah I will
Hikari:I guess it's time so wish me luck
Misumi:I'm sure you'll be fine
Both:*walk off*
Kenji:I guess it's time so why don't we go watch
Ayaka:hell yeah I want to see some violence
Kenji:(how will you play your cards Koshiro)
Hikari:*standing there*
Koshiro:*walks over* well then
Hikari:are you ready for your game
Koshiro:yeah I have a suggestion
Hikari:go right ahead
Koshiro:let's make a bet
Koshiro:if I win I'm beating the shit out of you
Hikari:and if you lose
Koshiro:then you can kill me
Kenji:I see how it is he's really testing him how amazing
Hikari:really I liked you a lot it was fun seeing you come up with your schemes but if that's what you want then sure
Koshiro:you can drop me from the sky that's how I want to die if I lose
Hikari:okay then let's go
Koshiro:rock paper scissors
Hikari:sure but only one round
Koshiro:if it's a tie
Hikari:we play again until one of us wins
Koshiro:fine by me
Kenji:now how will it unfold
Ayaka:this is so fun
Daitan:you better win I'm not watching her by myself
Koshiro:*gives them a thumbs up*
Hikari:okay let's go
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Koshiro:*throws scissors*
Hikari:*throws scissors*
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Koshiro:*throws paper*
Hikari:*throws paper*
Both:rock paper scissors shoot!
Koshiro:*punches him in the face*
Hikari:*falls back* what the
Koshiro:*clenching his fist* what's your pick
Hikari:*looks at his hand* scissors
Koshiro:*stretches him arm* now then it's time to punish you for all the things you've done
Chika:oh geez
Koshiro:*puts his foot on his chest and presses him to the ground*
Misumi:*appears in front and catches the punch*
Koshiro:what do you think you're doing
Misumi:if you beat him up then it won't be fun
Koshiro:who said I want fun I want to help Chika leave this place
Misumi:then let's play a group game you guys against us
Koshiro:fine what do you have in mind
Ayaka:oh hell yeah
Hikari:so we're doing that one
Misumi:there is a couple catches though
Kenji:let me guess the balls kill people if they get hit
Misumi:well you're hit with minor explosive power so you might be knocked out for a bit
Kenji:there must be a limit to the amount of time you can hold the ball
Hikari:yeah it's 10 seconds and then you'll be hit with a small explosion
Chika:okay doesn't sound bad
Misumi:but in human terms you'll die, a small explosion is like two blast colliding
Hikari:which means you'll die in the explosion if you're not grievously injured already
Chika:if you back out of the game
Both:we'll just kill you
Koshiro:*puts his hand on her head* don't worry I'll make sure everyone does something useful because in this game nobody is going to die
Chika:are you sure
Koshiro:trust me but first give us like a 10 minute break
Hikari:okay we'll set up the field
All:*walk off*
Kenji:I know
Chika:*looks over*
Ayaka:*puts her arm around her* leave them we need to plan too
Chika:*puts her hands together* Akira please keep him safe
Daitan:if this is dodgeball we should have no reason to be scared
Chika:if you get hit you could die
Bunko:no if you hold for more than 10 seconds you'll die
Chika:that's even worse
Koshiro:we need to take in all the variables
Kenji:they never said anything about explosions from catching it
Koshiro:so we don't need to worry about it
Kenji:why aren't we using Ayaka
Koshiro:because we don't need her and I need someone to watch Chika
Kenji:you sure that's a good idea
Koshiro:Chika knows what I told her to do if she tries something
Kenji:what are you going to do
Koshiro:tactical throw
Koshiro:kick it at 8 seconds because it'll take 3 seconds to reach them and it'll explode
Kenji:okay that's not bad
Koshiro:I punched him in the face so they can be damaged they're not invincible
Kenji:what if that plan doesn't work and they're prepared
Koshiro:I'll cross the line and take them with me
Kenji:well it's not the smartest that's more like something she would do
Koshiro:are you in it or not
Kenji:might as well
Koshiro:will you bring flowers when it's all over and we escape this hell
Kenji:sure if Ayaka doesn't kill me first
Both:*shake hands*
Koshiro:now let's go
Koshiro:(Chika I leave the rest to you)
Kenji:(Ayaka I'll be leaving for a bit)
Both:*walk over*
Koshiro:okay team are you ready
Daitan:yeah let's do it
Ayaka:*takes off her shirt and ties it around her forehead* hell yeah I'm gonna demolish them
Kenji:don't do anything foolish me and Koshiro will finish it right
Koshiro:don't get hit you either dodge or catch a ball getting out isn't an option
Koshiro:stick close and don't stand out for being in the back
Bunko:what are you planning
Kenji:nothing needs to be planned it's an easy win and nobody will die
Ayaka:if you die I'll kill everyone here
Kenji:I never knew you cared so much about me
Ayaka:as if you're my prey so if you die then everyone else will just have to die
Kenji:I won't die since you care so much
Ayaka:*knees him in the side* shut up
Chika:you're not planning on something stupid are you
Koshiro:of course not
Chika:I won't forgive you if you sacrifice yourself
Koshiro:*pokes her cheek* quit worrying so much I'll be fine
Kenji:we have a game proof plan and Ayaka you can help with this part
Ayaka:what is it
Koshiro:hold the ball for 8 seconds and kick it at them because it'll take at least 3 seconds so it'll explode on them
Ayaka:okay I'm down
Daitan:I'm just gonna play normally you tell me how your plan goes
Koshiro:okay then let's go
All:*walk over*
Hikari:this is gonna be fun
Misumi:they must be planning something
Hikari:more fun for me
Misumi:why don't we aim for the others and save him and her for last
Hikari:sure thing
Koshiro:are you ready to play
Hikari:are you ready to lose
Koshiro:I only plan on living
Misumi:you know the rules already we said so no need to repeat
Ayaka:*gets in running stance*
Chika:(she's taking this too seriously)
Ayaka:*appears and grabs multiple balls and tosses them back*
Koshiro:*catches one*
Kenji:*catches one*
Daitan:*catches one*
Bunko:*catches one*
Chika:*catches one*
Koshiro:how about catching is invalid
Misumi:sure we'll play like that
Koshiro:*throws one*
Hikari:*grabs it and tosses it back*
Ayaka:*kicks it back then tosses one up and kicks it over*
Kenji:*throws one over*
Misumi:*catches it*
Kenji:(Ayaka do it now)
Ayaka:*kicks a ball over* take this!
Hikari:*sticks his hand out as it stops short* this ball hasn't been held for more than 10 seconds that loophole won't work
Ayaka:give me your balls I'm doing rapid fire
Chika:take mine then
Daitan:*tosses it over*
Misumi:*catches the ball*
Ayaka:*starts throwing balls* how about some rapid fire blasts!
Misumi:*steps in between and blocks with a ball* not bad but you gotta be quicker than that
Chika:*tosses a ball over*
Misumi:*leans back* that was close
Ayaka:big tiddy energy you almost had her
Chika:really I didn't notice
Misumi:I knew you were special
Hikari:okay then I'll make this throw just for you and your plan would've worked you just had to throw it at 10 seconds not 8
Koshiro:okay then let's do it
Koshiro:*grabs a ball* okay let's make a bet with our lives on the line
Hikari:okay let's go
Koshiro:I never liked gambling because it's wasteful so I always like my special method
Hikari:well I won't lose
Koshiro:that's fine I didn't plan on losing from the start
Kenji:*grabs a ball* Ayaka
Kenji:watch over Chika for us
Koshiro:we might be a little busy so we'll have to be down for a bit
Chika:Koshiro what are you planning
Koshiro:*starts bouncing the ball then grabs it and runs forward*
Kenji:*runs next to him*
Ayaka:hey what are you doing
Koshiro:(this is it Akira if I don't survive I'll be happy to see you again)
Kenji:(let's see where this takes us)
Hikari:hey they're coming pretty close
Misumi:if they cross the line it'll blow up on them we'll be safe
Hikari:yeah you're right
Misumi:*opens her arms* show me something interesting Koshiro
Chika:are you really okay with this!
Ayaka:let him go he's happy
Chika:how can he be happy?!
Ayaka:because it's exciting
Both:*step on the line and throw the balls* take that!
*small explosion*
Both:*step over the line then grab a ball and run into the smoke as a medium explosion occurs*
Ayaka:*starts laughing* so that's how you want to leave me behind you jerk
Bunko:(what's that murderous aura)
Ayaka:guess I can kill all of you then right
Both:*standing in a barrier*
Hikari:it was a good attempt
Misumi:too bad we were prepared
Koshiro:*falls back and coughs up blood*
Kenji:*falls on top of him* damn
Hikari:well you said the sky so I'll drop you from there into a special place
Koshiro:Chika make sure to win I know you'll be fine you learned enough
Chika:*tears up* Koshiro
Koshiro:*gives her a thumbs up and smiles* live on so we can meet again when I'm done
Chika:*walks over* please you can't leave me I can't do this without you
Daitan:*grabs her arm* let him go he'll come back I know he will
Ayaka:Kenji I'm going to stab you next time we meet
Kenji:*smiles* I'll be waiting for it you psychopath
Ayaka:*takes out a knife* right in your back just wait for it then I'll slit your throat and stab you multiple times *tears up* I'm gonna enjoy killing you!
Kenji:*smiles* guess I kinda grew on you
Misumi:see you boys in the bonus game
Both:*appear in the sky falling down*
Koshiro:*reaches out and clenches his fist* I'm gonna kill that bastard
Kenji:let's focus on winning this next game
Koshiro:heh yeah
Kenji:we made them both cry
Koshiro:we're such terrible guys
Kenji:*grabs his hand then pulls him in* totally
Koshiro:just wait Chika I won't take long to return to you
Kenji:I'll let you kill me as many times as you want Ayaka
Both:*fall into a pit*

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