A New Life

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3rd pov:

Life was never easy, especially for those who had lived in the slums (basically the poor poor part of town). Hakuji was no exception,he had live in the slums for most of his life, however, it had  never really bother him since he had his father. Growing up Hakuji never really knew his mother, his father had often told him stories of his mom, saying she was a hard headed woman who stands for what she believed was right.
          Even though Hakuji never had life easy, he never complained.
        When Hakuji was  13 years old his  father had fallen victim to a deadly illness, due to their circumstances, they couldn't afford the medication.  Hakuji was desperate to save his father and resorted to stealing. As time went on, Hakuji's father showed no signs of recovery which only made Hakuji more desperate.
                  At had been roughly two years since Hakuji's father fell ill. The towns people had became more aware of Hakuji's crimes and demanded justice. Hakuji was put on trial, where they later found him guilty and as punishment, he was beaten half to death and was given tattoo as a warning.
                     After the trial, Hakuji returned home only to find his father dead. Hakuji was sadden and enraged. He was angry at the world for taking his father away from him.
              With no where to call home, Hakuji left the village drunken with rage and beating everyone in sight.
               Whilst on the verge of beating a man to death, a middle age man named Keizo had challenged Hakuji to a fight.
          Hakuji had lost the fight and Keizo took Hakuji in so he could nurse Koyuki, his sickly daughter. Her mother, her previous caretaker, drowned herself due to stress and Keizo had to work handyman jobs to keep them afloat, so Hakuji was tasked with tending to her. Already accustomed to tending to his father, he had little trouble tending to her, though he found it awkward whenever she burst into tears. One of those times, unbeknownst to him, he had indirectly motivated her by telling her that "there will be a next year" to see the fireworks.

Later on he discovered Koyuki, whom was forced and left outside by the heir of the kenjutsu dojo next door. Thus, an angered Keizou and Hakuji fought the dojo next door. After Hakuji defeated nine people, he made them promise to never get involved with the Soryuu dojo and Koyuki ever again. The heir of the rival dojo got angry and lost his composure, so he swung an actual sword instead of a wooden one down Hakuji. Hakuji punched the sword from the side as it was coming down (called 'Bell Crusher'), and it broke. The dojo next door was moved by the beauty of this technique, accepted their loss, and apologized for the rudeness of the heir. Then they stopped harassing the Soryuu dojo.

Two years later, she was in good health and could stand and do chores. He continued training as Keizo's pupil of the Soryu style, and the dojo began to grow. One day, Keizo offered Hakuji to take over the dojo—and take Koyuki as his bride, to Hakuji's surprise and embarrassment. He agreed, silently vowing to protect both of them, even at the cost of his own life. At a festival, Koyuki told him of her past, asking if he was really okay with the proposal, to which he reaffirmed his vows to her, promising to protect her for the rest of his life.

The heir of the rival dojo heard about Hakuji's marriage with Koyuki. So he gathered some angered disciples and fought Hakuji, but they lost. Tragically, this victory was short-lived. He took a short trip to visit his father's grave and inform him of his marriage, but quickly realized something was amiss upon his return. A student from the dojo informed him that their rivaling kenjutsu dojo, which had always sought Keizo's land for themselves and prevented him from getting any students until Hakuji's arrival, had poisoned the well from where Koyuki and Keizo drank water from. The two died shortly after drinking that water while Hakuji had been away.

Enraged, Hakuji killed all sixty-seven members of the rivaling dojo with his bare hands, pulverizing them to the point where their corpses were no longer recognizable.

Muzan Kibutsuji had heard about the incident and set out to find this 'person'.Muzan was surprised and somewhat disappointed when had discovered that it was mere human who cause all these deaths. Muzan was about to leave Hakuji when something came to his made. 'If he was a mere human and did all this, then he would be a powerful demon, he would be the perfect one to protect her.'  And with that Hakuji became a demon.


Hello! If you're seeing this, that means you've made it to the end!! Thank you for reading this and hope you stick around for the next chapter!!

Chapter notes:

If you a manga reader then you who recognize a certain part of the book! As you may have guess I took it for the manga,(well google cause I'm not a manga reader 😃) anyways this story was inspired by:

      Lmon_grl's story, Complicated! As you can see,it is an AkaTan story!!! I just finished reading the story myself and I most say it was beautiful!! This story is about tanjiro who recently turned to a demon

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      Lmon_grl's story, Complicated! As you can see,it is an AkaTan story!!! I just finished reading the story myself and I most say it was beautiful!! This story is about tanjiro who recently turned to a demon. He will have to learn how to adapt to his new abilities and his new life... but wait, what happened to Nezuko?? And the others??? Is tanjiro even on there side??? Who knows! You'll just have to read to find out!!



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