The Beginning

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Bakugo's POV

I dress Akio and myself in our clothes that we're gonna wear to the funeral. After getting ready I grab Akio's small hand in mine and walk out the door towards the car. The funeral is happening at Ua where all the once hero's lay. (Just added that have no clue if that's true or not!). I open the backseat and put Akio into his car seat before I close the door I hear his voice.

"Papa are we gonna go see mama?" Akio say's. I look up to see his smiling little innocent face staring back at me. He looks just like Deku.

"Yes baby we're gonna go see mama." I say not looking at him in the eye. I quickly close the door and drive to Ua. Once I park I grab Akio's hand and walk to the back where I see everyone. Kirishima, Denki, Mina, Todoroki, Lida their all here and everyone else too his family , the people he's saved the pro hero's everyone. I start to tear up. Already seeing everyone else crying, I go up to aizawa sensei and hug him knowing that he needs it. I let go then walk up to Deku's grave with Akio. Everyone stares at me waiting to know what I'm gonna do but I know what's right to do I'm gonna say it.

I kneel down infront of Akio and Deku's grave and look at my son. "Akio" I say in a raspy voice from all the crying.

"Yes papa?" He says looking at me not even knowing that his whole world is going down.

"Honey your mama isn't coming back he went up to heaven to live with the angels." I tell him my voice cracking between the words. He looks at me with understanding.

"It's okay papa I'll miss mama but he's safe and happy wight? So I'm happy just with you cuz mamas wight here" (points to heart). "Love you mama" he says while looking at the sky. I just stare at him with tears spilling down my face while he comes up to me ands starts crying to and hugging me.

"It's gonna be okay Akio I promised your mama that I'd take care of us so I will okay baby"? I say. He just nods and squeezes me again. I look at deku's grave again and read the engravings.

Here lies: Izuku Midoriya: Deku - Hero, Father, Husband, Friend, Savior, and Son.

Last Words: "I'll always love you till death do us part and so on till the very end of life itself."

Soooo sad 😭 but was pretty interesting to make!

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Soooo sad 😭 but was pretty interesting to make!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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