~SweetTooth Cove : Part 2~

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The ship sails across the red sea as it makes its way to their destination, Candy was taking control of the steering wheel, keeping watch on where to go, With the imps, Millie was watching the waves as the air blows her hair, Moxxie was a little sea sick but sits by the edge of the ship, while Blitz was with Candy, he stares at the pirate as she does her job on keeping watch on the trail.

Blitz then goes beside her and has his arms around his back, she didn't really noticed him at first, then blitz taps his foot and whistles a little tune, he spins his lower body a little, hoping to maybe get her attention, still, Candy focuses on her wheel and turns it each way around gently, then finally, Blitz broke the silence.

Blitzo : "Soooooo...about this "treasure" business, can I ask a question about it?"

Candy : "Sure thing mate, a
What would you like to know about it?"

Blitzo : "Well just curious, what is the candy from that treasure look like, I mean it is candy, but what's the flavor of it since it is made by the hand of Gluttony lords or something called that, is it...something to die for or like melt your face off type?"

Candy : "Actually, I never knew what the candy from the oceans of Sweets is like, I've had it for as long as i could remember and never even dared to try it from the chest, it's a mystery that any sinner have to earn, no one has ever even got it to this day, but if someone would dare try and eat one of the candy, who knows what will happen next, if that were ever to happen."

Blitz : "..Huh, well that does explain why it's partly special, to your case anyway.

Candy : "Of course my little imp friend, it's a legend tale for only my side of Hell knows a lot than others outside the ring."

Blitz seems to be more interested about that treasure now, after hearing another of those stories Candy tells, he wanted to try out the candy and see what would happen if he gets one, but Candy did say it's a mystery, and that no one in Hell has gotten to even taste one of the sweets that is hand-made in her home, but if there is ever a chance, maybe he might be the first one to even get one, if that were to be possible.

As the ship makes it through the big waves, Moxxie and Millie hang out on the edge of the ship, Moxxie's face was going pale and started to get dizzy from the moving waves and even looking at the ocean, he moans a little, Millie helps him out and comforts his sickness, as things were going okay, all of the sudden, something hit the bottom of the ship, almost sending the imps in the air for the short time, feeling started a d alarmed, they looked around frantically to see what that was.

Millie : W-What was that!?

As some are starting to kinda panic, Candy remained calm and searches around the seas while still holding the steering wheel, moving the ship to the right, the waves are starting to move faster and the ship drops in each wave more forcefully, then something rose out of the water, a giant tentacle as it wraps around the ship, Millie and Moxxie saw it and ran away from it, the four imps saw the tentacle as another comes out and goes to the other side, the ocean splashes around and big waves occurred, the head comes out of the water and reveals a giant monstrous squid, with one huge eye with colors red and pink, it roars a long squeal.

Moxxie : AGH!

Moxxie was terrified and gets behind Millie, the four of them stared at the beast as it slams it's jelly covered tentacle at them, but all of them ran in opposite directions.
Candy went to the left side of the ship and the Imps went to the far right, Candy grabs her sword, the others were gonna attack, But candy get in front of them as another tentacle was about to smash them, but Candy jumps in the air and Pierce's her sword in the tentacle, it spills out pink jelly fluids and it squeals, she ended up chopping off the tentacle as it falls off onto the ship, the imps watch as Candy climbs on the missing Lim and runs to the squid, the monster tries stopping the pirate with Its tentacles, she uses her sword in defense, the wounds sprayed jelly all over and uses her athletic skills on the squid.

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