~SweetTooth Cove : Part 3~

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The three imps looked around the place as the ship sails through the ocean trail, the water turns reddish pink as they made it inside the gateway, it was so incredible that they never even knew this was actually part of the Gluttony ring, since in the other rings are not like this, colorful and delicious.

Millie : "Oh...My..SATAN! Look at all this stuff!"

Moxxie : "So many sweets, so many cakes, they're everywhere!"

Blitzo : "Ohhh yeah! My blood sugar is gonna be high up tonight!"

Candy saw them, blabbering out comments which made her smile, she turns the steering wheel and looks around, the ship turns to the left and the water spalshes onto the nearby smaller cake mountains and lollipops, they made their way to the other side.

Blitzo : "Well there Candy! Your place is even more inspiring than we pictured it, didn't think it could be like this! You're really lucky to be living in a food wonderland while we live in a crappy city with loud cars and angry morons."

Candy : "Happy to hear such compliments, we here in this ring are madly into something sugary and sweet, this is just half of my home, but I love it here"

Moxxie : "So anyways, where do you think your treasure chest may be? You did say someone took it right?"

Candy : "Yes, one of the rulers did take it without my awareness, I just need to find the place to where that royal scum could be lurking in"

They all looked around to find something different in this place, still nothing but cake mountains and candy, but just then, Millie saw something in the distance, she then calls out.

Millie : There! Over up front!

Candy caught the view, she saw something far away, it was foggy at first, but it quickly turns visible to reveal a castle, just right where they are going, Candy points over and shouts.

Candy : "Land Ho!"

She turns the wheel to the castle, the ship sails on over to there, we manage to make it to this royal-like island with the giant castle, covered in decorations made with candy and treat, the ship stops by the side of the island, all of them stared at the castle and Candy jumps out of the ship, she turns to the others.

Candy : "Alright lads, come down here!"

They all jumped down, one by one to the sandy ground, they looked around the place and kinda wander around, too busty to take a look at the view.

Moxxie : "..oooh, m-millie, you are seeing this right?"

Millie : "Yeah I am Moxxie"

Then she spotted a bush, with some cherry candy on it, she rushes over and grabs a few of them.

Millie : Mm! These look good!

She begin to eat one of the cherries, it was a little sour and cherry sauce drips a little, Candy has her hands on her hips as she casually walks around and looks everywhere.

Candy : "Hmm, this definitely has to be the right place.

Blitz in the background grabs one of the lollipops, as Moxxie jumps up to a nearby tree, grabs a buttercream donut, the imps enjoyed whatever is there and snacks themselves as Candy still tries to search, but then, she heard footsteps coming towards where they were, she was alerted and calls out to the imps.

Candy : "Everyone, hide!"

All of them stopped from what they are doing and they quickly entered inside the bushes to hide themselves, outside, there were three imp guards, patrolling the area, they then stopped and looked around to see some of the leftover half bitten sweets are on the sand, they looked around with their Spears.

~Helluva Boss : SweetTooth Cove ~Where stories live. Discover now