Chapter One - A Perfect Day

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His light, brown hair rustled in the gentle breeze, as he layed on the thick, damp grass. Luca loved watching the sun set every evening, it was such a beautiful sight. Just like Alberto, he thought. He felt his body tingle and heart flutter at the name. He's had a secret crush on Alberto since they first met, and he doesn't know if his best friend feels the same way. Luca wanted to ask him out, but what if Alberto rejected him or just laughed at his weak attempt at love?. So much things have been going on lately and so many secrets are hidden within the 13 year old boy, but he could never know, no, Alberto could never know.

It had been a day, or two, since Luca had cut himself, it always made him feel better, or when he ripped off scales from his sea monster body, it felt painful, yet it helped his mental pain so much. Luca's crush on Alberto was slowly cracking him, not to mention how those bullies kept hurting him, he already had several bruises and scrapes from them attacking him. Luca looked down at his arm, there was a large, purple bruise, barely faded and there was clots of other injuries all over him. But he could never let Alberto find out. Alberto would kill the bullies, and then maybe even him!.

He just wished everything could be happy, no fighting no secrets, just peace and joy. There was a soft rustling in the bushes, and then Alberto appeared beside him, and layed next to him. " Hey Luca, haven't seen you much these days" his dark, green eyes narrowed. " What have you been up to?". Luca turned his head to face Luca, glad it was dark so he couldn't see his injuries, and said " Oh, uh, just relaxing and watching the sunset, it's pretty". Alberto smiled softly "Heh, alright, wanna go for a swim? Haven't done that in a-"

Before Alberto could finish, Luca shouted " NO! NO! NOOOOOO!". Alberto gaped as Luca covered his back and inched back. He looked positively frightened and shocked himself. Alberto asked " Don't you wanna come? Is something wrong?" Alberto's face grew suspicious. " I thought you loved swimming at night ." Luca shook his head and nervously replied " Sorry A-alberto I just don't feel like it-." Alberto smiled calmly " Luca it's fine, there's nothing to be worried about, I'll just go back inside then." Luca cried " Wait!." Alberto turned around, eyebrows raised in confusion " Luca?." Luca, face blushing evidently, stammered " P-please don't leave me, just stay, please." Alberto laughed softly " Of course." His eyes, kind and inviting, gazed at him and he returned to his seat next to the boy.

Alberto questioned " Luca, is there something wrong? If there is I can help I promise!." Luca smiled weakly at his friend and answered " Everything's fine 'Berto, I'm just tired, sorry about that." Alberto shrugged " It's cool man, no hard feelings." Alberto suddenly peered at Luca's arm, looking very perplexed. " Luca? What's that on your arm?." Luca inwardly gasped, he just saw his arm! How could he have let down his guard?. Luca felt tears threaten to spill from his eyes, and felt like his face was on fire " Nothing! It's nothing! Leave me alone!." Luca got up and ran back into the house, hiding in his new bedroom. Alberto called out just before he disappeared " Luca! Wait! Luca!."

Luca hid under his blankets and his tears finally streamed down his pale, yet red face. This was so embarrassing! Now Alberto had to see his disgusting body, poor Alberto, he shouldn't have to look at something like that, how revolting!. Luca heard distant footsteps and a door opening loudly. Suddenly his bedroom door slammed open and Alberto shouted worriedly " Luca!". Before he knew it, he was dragged from his bed and onto the floor with Alberto, where Alberto sat him in front of him, hands on his shoulder. " Luca, breathe, okay?, calm down. Look at me- Luca, it's okay, don't be ashamed alright? Just show me your arms and legs." Luca revealed his injured body to Alberto, and the green-eyed boy gasped. " Oh my god Luca- what on earth happened to you? C'mere, no more crying now, let's go get you cleaned up." Luca nodded and followed Alberto to the bathroom where the dark-haired teenager was opening a medical kit. Alberto calmly said " This might sting a little bit, but don't worry, it'll feel good soon." He poured a small bottle labeled 'Proxide' onto all his cuts. Luca hissed as he felt a sharp, stinging pain across all his cuts and scrapes. Alberto then paused " Are they bruises? Luca?." Luca shook his head feverishly " No. I'm just super clumsy hehe-." Alberto didn't seem to buy it, but didn't say anything else either, he was probably disgusted at him, but Luca couldn't blame him.

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