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"Meer? Is that you?", I asked because it sure wasn't Ruby.

"Calm down Bi", It's me your Meer.

I sighed in relief as Meer turned me around to face him but I couldn't see him as it was dark. Suddenly the lights turned on and I went blind for a second and as I regained my vision, I saw that Meer was kneeling down in front of me with  velvet box in his hand which had a very beautiful ring in it.

"Well earlier when I did this your dear sister took away my chance but not now. Will you marry me my beautiful Bi? Will you marry your Meer?", I chuckled when he said the Ruby part but teared when he proposed to me again.

I then looked around to see all our family members surround us. I was happy that they were here with us on this special day.

"YES! YES! YES! my Meer ofcourse I'll marry you! I never expected  us to seeing that I hated you the most but may be Allah always has different plans.", I said in excitement and waited for Meer to put the ring in my finger. 

He stood up cupped my face in his palms and said, "I know Bi you want me to put the ring in your finger but you'll wear this ring on our engagement which is just three weeks from now", I blushed at his gesture and his words and hugged him.

Everyone clapped and congratulated us I couldn't see Shehzaad anywhere so I asked Rubina aunty where he was, "Asalaamuaalaikum Razia aunty, ummm I can't find Shehzaad anywhere, where is he? Has he not come?", I asked her curiously.

"Ummmm Rabia beta, actually he left for UK and then India for the business meetings and handle the companies, and here is your gift from him, he said to give it to you.", she handed me the gift smiled and walked away to the other ladies.

My heart sank in my stomach, I felt guilty, I shouldn't be feeling that way but still I was. Zo came to me and patted my shoulder, I turned to look at him and obviously he sensed something was wrong. "Hey Raabu, what is it? Are you ok?", he asked worried. "Zo.....Shehzaad left the country and gave me this gift. Its was a photo frame of me and Shehzaad and a promise bracelet he had given me when we were which I apparently thought I lost and also a lovely gown . Suddenly I felt hand on my shoulder and as I turned around it was Zameer, he looked down at the gift and clenched his jaw and tightened his fists. He took a deep breath and let out a sigh of frustration and looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back weakly. "Zameer relax it's just a goodbye gift no need to lose that temper.", Zo told Zameer which apparently made Zameer even more angry to which he replied, "Yes a Goodbye forever gift!.", he said and caught my wrists and took me somewhere with him, I asked him whether where was he taking me but he did not utter a word. He took me to a corner away from everybody and pinned me to the wall and said," Look Bi you are mine now, and you also know that I have temper issues, so please don't do anything which will make me lose my temper because if I do it will be very bad for you, I will be your Mehram so its only me get it? Only me!', he said these words screaming into my face literally his face inches away from me which made me shudder. I knew Zameer always had temper issues and that is why I did not say  a word and just nodded. I knew I should have said something and clear things out but my love for him stopped me from doing so and deep down I knew I was doing the wrong thing.

He banged his fists into the wall in frustration and anger and looked down, then looked up at me with guilt and said sorry and just hugged me like a baby. I froze by his sudden unexpected move but eventually gave in. I patted his back and whispered that its okay in his ears and he hugged me even more tighter.

We both went back to where everybody was and enjoyed the rest of the evening. So our engagement was just three weeks away . I was very excited it was going to be a very grand event I decided to design the invitation for the engagement myself.  Well yes invitations for an engagement party. I decided to have a cream and gold color theme for the engagement card with expensive elite chocolates for the guests and also a small gold coin with it. It was too much I know I did not like the gold coin idea myself but I couldn't help it because everyone else wanted the same thing well it was Zameer's idea. I designed them got them approved by my dad. He said it was very simple and I insisted for it to let it be the way it was as I was already disliking the whole gold coin thing, he agreed after tons of request.  

I never told anyone about one thing yet and that was that I never wanted my husband to be under his father's shadow which means if he has a car, it has to be his own car and not the car his father paid for living in the same house as his parents was not a problem for me at all. I would never want the money factor or for me and my husband to be dependent on either of our parents. I decided to tell Zameer this after our engagement ceremony. I know people were going to be upset, not one especially but every single person was going to be upset. My family, his family and also him but I wanted a peace of mind and I have always seen that a lot money and fame means less peace. I hated that the fame we got because of Abba was never admired by me because I was a part of his limelight too and I have always hated attention. And with fame comes money so again, yes I want to be able to fulfill my needs but money which is enough for the needs and not the luxurious desires. 

I was just thinking about all this when I heard the doorbell ring, I quickly went and opened the door and was swept away from the ground on seeing the person in front of me. I practically jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. It was my one only favorite cousin Daniyal. Oh I love him so so so much. I know what your thinking he is a non- mehram even though my cousin but immediately after his birth my khala, my mom's elder sister expired due to complications during birth so then Ammi took care of him and fed him which makes him my mehram. Both of my brothers were jealous of him because I loved him more then anyone or anything else in this world, we were inseparable when young but he had to move out of Egypt after Khalu his dad got very sick and had to go to The US for his treatment. I was devastated by him leaving me and felt abandoned. He never even came to meet me after the Ruby incident, just called and talked but after that even that stopped. I was pissed at him, extremely  pissed but couldn't help but melt into his arms after seeing him. Not many know about him being my Mehram so judgy eyes never go past us. Daniyal was born just 11 days before Ruby and I were born so we also are of the same age, my thinking is very similar to his. We agree on everything just everything. 

So here he was my Dani, with me. He hugged me with the same energy and it felt good to have someone who understands me back here with me. "Oh my God! crazy girl get off of him", I heard a girl say and was confused as to who she is and what does she have to do with me hugging my brother my Dani. "Relax Daneen, that is my sister", Dani told her calmly. "How are you? you dumbass, stupid and arrogant Dani?!!!!", I told him while getting off him. "Haye my Rani, I just became awesome after seeing you, how are you my spleenless girl?", Yup his taunts are always alive and yes he calls me Rani.

"I am awesome as always Dani, come in na.......and who is she?", I asked Dani while looking at the girl standing behind him giving me glares. "Well I'll introduce her to everybody but first atleast let  me meet everybody.", He said.

"AMMI!! ABBU!! ZEE!! ZO!! RUBI!! COME ON NOW LOOK WHO DECIDIDED TO SHOW UP AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!!", I screamed on top of my lungs. Dani's face expression changed into a horrified one after he heard me mention Rubi's name. "Wait wait wait.....That evil incarnate is in this house?!", Dani whispered screamed into my ears. I narrowed my eyes at him while everyone came and met Dani. Well out of all of us there were three people who were not so thrilled to see Dani and they were obviously Rubi, Zee and Zo. 

"So everyone I have come here for so many reasons but one of my main reasons were to meet my Rani.", He said looking at me and my three sibling made a gagged expression at his oh so cringe comment.

I blushed and was on the seventh cloud today.

"Daneen come in, Daneen this is my family, and only because of them I am here, that is my bade Khalu, and she is my bade Ammi because of whom I am alive, that is Zohaib bhai, that is Zeeshan, that is Rabia my dil kil Rani and that is Rubina, Rani's twin. And everyone meet my fiancee Daneen whom I love with all my heart and want to spend the rest of my life with her.", he said while we were all beyond shocked because we knew Dani as the least Romantic one and him having a love marriage was out of question so this was a genuine shock to us. 

Abbu broke the awkward silence by saying,"Arre wahh beta finally humare ghar mein koi to bahu le aaya, aao bacche aao", he welcomed both of them in while giving a taunting look to Zo as in he is the eldest and still not ready to get married. And Daneen still giving me glares for no reason and also slyly looking at Zee and zee uncomfortably avoiding eye contact. Ruby could sense the same thing I did and we gave each other a look to talk about it later.


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