Chapter 14

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***James' POV***

"Well Beta, I better head inside and help the Misses before she gets off that phone."  Clyde says and I nod. What's taking Tundra so long? I sent her inside to fuck with Rose and Diego, yes. I know that Diego snuck into Roses room through her cracked window but that's exactly why I have to fuck with those two.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out.

Kiddo- You're a fucking jackass. I hope your dick rots off. I grin. Ding. A text from Diego comes across the screen and I damn near begin to laugh.

Diego- fuck you, man. I'm gonna rip off your dick and shove it far up your ass.  Those two are absolutely meant for each other.

Lmao, I reply to both messages before shoving the phone back into my pocket.

"Daddy!" Tundra yells as she comes running out of the house. "A-nut rose says," she bends over for a second to catch her breath. "Aunt Rose says 'You need to mind your own motherfucking, dumb ass, bitch ass business'."

My mouth drops and I try not to laugh. "She did huh?" Tundra nods her head and I run a hand down my face before looking down at my pride in joy. "Don't you ever repeat those words to your mother, okay?"

"Otay," she rubs her eye. "But she never did answer the question, though." This time I can't help but chuckle.

When we get home, the scent of food hits me and I groan. She cooked meatloaf again. "Go wash your hands, princess. Mommy has dinner ready," I say as I shut the door behind Tundra.

She takes off towards the bathroom and I head into the kitchen, where I spot my mate, Jan, standing by the sink. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Hey baby," I say as I kiss her cheek.

"James," She replies. Ah hell, what'd I do this time?

"What's wrong, baby?" I ask as she slightly pushes herself away from me.

"Nothing," She says and walks over to fridge. I hate it when she does this.

"Oh come on, Jan. Tell me what I did," I say and she slams the fridge door. "You haven't done nothing," she says. "Except," and here we go. "Ever since your sister came to this pack, it's been about her. 'Have I told you the time where Rosie', 'you know, This one time when Rosie was young', blah, blah, blah!"

I shake my head. "You're jealous of my sister?" I ask in disbelief. "That's what this is all about?"

"I am not jealous of that little bitch!" She screams and I try really hard not to growl. "I Am just sick and tired of everything being about her!"

"You've barely been home for the past several days and-" The twins start crying in the other room. Jan screeches before throwing a plate at the wall, smashing it to pieces. "They won't fuçkin stop crying! Tundras been a little shit and only acts right when you say your sisters name and-"

"For fucks sake Jan, knock it off!" I interrupt. Over the years, I've always been known as the guy who respects women and doesn't yell at them but this thing between Jan and I has been going on for too long.

"Not everything that goes wrong is my fault-" I begin.

"It's my fault? Is that what you're saying?!"Jan yells. "Do you have any idea how hard I am trying to keep this family together?! And it's not helping that your sister suddenly is the center of the god damn universe!"

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