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PAIRING: Rose x female!reader
SUMMARY: You a wake up chilly one evening and Rose helps to keep you warm

When it comes to you and dreams, you hardly ever have the gift of remembering them.

But this time, it was like you couldn't forget the beautiful scenery of the thin white snow you stood on during your dream. It felt surreal you could almost feel the chill the snow usually brings you. It was a dream that had latched onto your brain, causing you to remember every detail about almost perfectly. Now that it was August and the fall season was on its way, you and Rose fell asleep while talking about winter plans for the year and that seemed to what inspired your dream.

Dreaming about snow caused you to wake up with a chill. Or so you thought it was the snow, it turns out to be the slightly open window you and Rose left open during the night to let the fresh cool air breeze flow through the warm bedroom you shared. You try to make your way out of bed as quietly as you can while you try to not make too much movements in an attempt not to wake up Rose from her deep sleep in the process. Walking over to the window, you glance over your shoulder as to make sure Rose didn't wake up before trying to as quiet as you can, shut the window without making a noise.

To your dismay, it made a squeal like noise that was loud enough to wake anyone up.

In your case, Rose woke up from sleep and sat up in bed before turning towards your direction in which the noise had come from. Although the room was dark, Rose was still able to make out the outline of your shadow and started calling for you to come back to bed with her.

"Y/n... come back to bed."

Her command startled you a bit, despite the sleepiness in her voice. But you make your back over as you explain to her as why you were up.

"I just got a little chilly, so I shut the window. Not only that, but I had a dream about white thin snow." You explain as you hear Rose chuckle.

Rose than pulls you in with her and ticks the blanket over the both of you before making one last statement.

"Goodnight, my love."


Rose than pulls you in tighter along with the blankets and arms wrapped around you; the both of you falling asleep cuddling with each other.


Rose 🌹 ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now