She cheers you up after a bad day

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***Pairing: Rose x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Rose x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


"Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life." was something you were told to always keep in mind.

Today sucked... really sucked. By now, you were driving home after a bad day at work, one of the worst days of your life to have come to pass.

All you could think about right now was going home to Rose and to the final can of Coke you had saved in the fridge for a day like this. Rose knew that you suffer from hereditary anxiety, but wasn't aware of how much until you got home. Just as soon as you get home, you went right in the kitchen where Rose was preparing the evening meal. Instead of stopping short to greet Rose as you would usually do, you went straight to the fridge to retrieve your can of Coke that was supposedly there waiting for you to take, only to discover it missing. You rummage through the shelves and drawers of the fridge before asking about it.

"Hey, Rose?"

"Yes, love?"

"Have you seen my Coke in the fridge somewhere? I'm really in need for a drink."

Instead of getting an immediate response, Rose goes rather quiet as she realizes her mistake. You were just about to ask her again when she speaks up, coming clean of the truth.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I truly didn't know that you were saving it."

"Are you telling me you drank it? You drank it, didn't you?!"

"Yes, and-"

"Damn it, Rose! I really needed it after the day I've had and had to put up with. You absolutely have no idea what kind of day it has been for me!"


"You know what? Just save it! I don't need to hear anymore from you. You really ought to know that you shouldn't take anything that's not yours!"

Before she could even try to stop you, you take off to you two's shared bedroom, slamming the door angrily behind you, before throwing yourself on the bed and burying your face in the pillows. Once you had a few minutes to have settled down, taking a breather, that gave you the chance to think over of the words you exchanged with Rose and you started feeling guilty and ashamed of the whole thing. You took your bad day out on Rose and you wished so much you could take it all back, even though it was too late.

You weren't sure how long it's been since the incident in the kitchen, but a knock soon comes to the door. Knowing that it was Rose, you invite her to come in.

"Come in." You say weakly, burying your face back in the pillow in shame.

"(Y/n)? Can we talk?"


"Okay. So listen, I'm very sorry of robbing you your drink and I know you had a bad day. So I was wondering if you'd like to go on a drive with me and I can replace what I took with a fountain drink?"

The idea sounded wonderful, warm, and welcoming, so of course you'd love to go do that with Rose.

"I'd love to! Listen, I'm very sorry to have taken my bad day out on you, Rose. I really am and I would do anything in the world to take it all bac-"

"Don't be, sweetheart. It's nothing to worry about, it's all in the past now and the only thing that matters is now. All I want to do is to cheer you up in a way that I can think of-"

"And this is the way to it. You say, standing up.

"Let's go!"

Rather then words, you exchange smiles with each other before walking out with your arms linked together.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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