Chapter 3: Nothing Out of the Ordinary

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The next morning Chloe was sleeping heavily on a beautiful day. She felt someone shift beside her. She rolls over and buried her head into her bedmate's chest. Sturdy. Chest. Since when did Pierce grow muscles overnight? She slowly looked up to see not blue but brown eyes watching her. She smiles at her encounter from last night.

"Mm. Good morning Detective. Do you have a nice sleep?" Lucifer asked in a low husky voice. Damn! His morning voice is enough to get me going again despite me feeling exhausted from last night. Chloe thought to herself. I guess his surname has some real meaning behind it. Morningstar.

"Mm. Good morning. I did. You tired me out." Chloe admitted rubbing her eyes to get the rough crust of sleep out of her eyes to prove how tired she was from last night's events but was absolutely satisfied with it. Her pussy couldn't be more fulfilled nor desired for so long since she was with Dan. But even sex with Lucifer was better than that. Of course not that she'd tell her ex-husband that. He'd be mortified that she was sleeping with someone other than her second husband. Much less his coworker.

"Yes, well, I suppose round one will do that to you. Given how you're not used to someone as active as I am."

"Round one? You mean we didn't do more than that?"

"Of course not, well, I mean we both did oral sex on one another and then you fell asleep before we could do another round of intercourse, my dear."

"Oh... I'm sorry." Chloe groaned and covered her face pale in embarrassment. The one time she wants to have sex with the one person (Devil) she swore herself not to have sex with from the beginning of their partnership had the decency to fall asleep on him. Pathetic. She was really out of practice. When she looked at her bedmate, the Devil only shrugged not looking half ashamed she was.

"I'm not. That was far from the incomparable sex I've ever had." Lucifer admitted. She sighs a little relieved he didn't think she was pathetic for doing that to him. Yet she had to confess that there was some truth in what he had said. It really was the best sex she ever had.

"Agreed." Chloe agreed with a small smile.

"When I said I'm expertly amazing at sex and you didn't believe me. You should have. You know I don't lie."

"Yeah, well, now I do know. I didn't know about your little "I don't lie" shtick when we first met remember?"

"But I have told you that I'm the Devil."

"Lucifer, come on, not this again. You're not. I don't believe that you are. It's Sunday morning... I need a coffee before you start going there. Mm, what time is it?"

"Twelve in the afternoon."

"Shit! We're supposed to be at-"

"Relax, Detective, I'm just kidding." Chloe glowered at him before relaxing back into the pillows more calmly. "But really it's nine o'clock."

"I'm so grateful for no-" Her phone buzzed. "Hello, Detective Decker? Mm-hm... yup... it's my day... what?!" Lucifer was watching her intensively as she got off his bed to gather her clothes with a phone on her shoulder. "Yeah, alright. We'll be there soon. Yep. Bye." She hangs up and turns to her awaiting bedmate. "We're needed at the LAPD."

"Are you bloody kidding me? Who in their right mind who wants to kill someone on a bloody Sunday morning?" Lucifer groaned discomposed 

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