Chapter 4: It's Rightfully Mine!

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"You mean I'm the...?" Lucifer trailed off.

"Yes, Lucifer, you're the father." Chloe established.

"That's not possible... no... correction: it's unachievable. You can't be!" Chloe frowned at him and crossed her arms across her chest a quizzical expression appeared, she can't say she's not a little hurt by Lucifer's reaction; yes she'd expect him to be surprised by this godsend but she had also hoped that he'd at least be excited as well! Not... cynical about it. For god sake! He is the father her of her child.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe?"

"Because I'm the Devil. If you're pregnant that means you are genuinely carrying my Antichrist of a child. What are you going to tell Pierce? That it's his?" Lucifer asked his voice going up even higher if that was even possible. She understood that he probably thought this was some kind of prank or joke she pulled on him and is practically waiting for her to say 'haha just kidding. No, I'm not pregnant.' But she didn't because the fact is right in her hands, well, currently on the bathroom bench. He looks over as the positive sign and smiley face tormented him and laughs in his face. She also knows why he was freaking out; he was scared that he'd end up like his father. Which was the most logical sense of his reaction now that she thought about it.

"No! I'm not telling anyone about this. You too are to keep your mouth shut. Got it? I mean it this time..."

"What happens if don't? You'll break up with me?"

"I won't inform you about the cases we have for a solid week." Chloe warned him, Lucifer knew she wasn't bluffing especially given when she had that 'do as I say or else I'll send you home' tone she had on.

"Yes, well, I suppose that's fair. I promise you... I won't say a word."

"Not even to Ella?"

"Oh, come on, puh-lease, she's the most-"

"Lucifer." All she had to was say his name in an authoritative tone enough to let him know to not push her on the matter anymore.

"Okay! Yes. Fine. Not even Ms Lopez."

"I'm so sorry for getting pregnant I know how much you dislike children except for Trixie of course but still." Chloe sobbed quietly. She wasn't sure if she felt guilty about it because she knew that Lucifer wasn't a huge fan of children and feel bad that she put him in this predicament with her or maybe it was because of pre-pregnancy hormones. "I... if you want I... I can just have an abortion so you don't have to-" but Lucifer knew where she was going with this and immediately stopped her train of thought before she can act on it. Kill his child? No way! He may not like children but that didn't mean he didn't want to be a father to Chloe's child. Also, he didn't think it was fair for her to end a life that had half of his DNA.

"What? No, no, no dear Dad no, don't do that Chloe. I'm happy about this honestly, I am. I'm positive that having a child with you will most certainly be different and constructive rather than looking after random children in a park who is unrefined, not well mannered and unpredictable. You have nothing to worry about. I know for a fact that you will be an amazing mother. Also, whether the situation is regarding a child of mine or not I'll always support you because that's what partners do for one another. Correct?" Chloe sniffed and nodded at his question before hugging Lucifer tightly as if fearing to let him go and filled with various emotions.

"Yes. You honestly promise me that?" Chloe questioned burying her head into his chest trying to dry her free-flowing tears that were coming out now. Lucifer didn't seem to mind the wet stains on his incredibly expensive suit. Though if it was someone else? Sure. Maybe he would definitely mind but this is Chloe... the love of his life.

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