4:Suspicious girls

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Let's start the chapter

Previously:abhi and veer's entry


Abhi:ok enough of fun lets go downstairs dad might have came


Three of them went downstairs and saw their dad

Veer and abhi went and hugged him

Aman:how are you my champs

Abhi/veer:fine dad what about u

Aman:fine and when did you came

They talked like this for sometime

Then all of them sat in dining table and were about to eat when they heard some shouting two girls were running and shouting

Girl1:please help

Girl2:help someone help us

Aman and avneet ran towards them but someone was looking at the ground the girls calmed down

Aman:girls what happens why are you running like this and who are you

Girl1:uncle I'm vaish and this is my sister yesha some goons were behind us that's why we came here running for help

Yesha:yes uncle please help us

Aman:ok ok calm down and are you new ti this city

Vaish:yes uncle and we dont know anyone here

Aman:its ok you both can stay here tonight I have some work I will meet you tonight

All of them nodded

Avu:hey I'm avneet I will call the maid and she will show your room

Vaish/yesha:thank you

Avneet called a maid and told her everything then she went back to her room

The maid came there

Vaish:can you give us some water


The maid left

Abhi and veer caught vaish and yesha respectively and pinned their hands to their back

Abhi:why did you both came here

Veer:we told you not to come right

Vaish:what should we do you both left us there alone

Yesha:'thats wet we came here

Then suddenly the maid came their

Abhi and veer left them they drank the water

Yesha:can you show us our room


They left with the maid

Abhi and veer smacked their forehead

End of chapter

How's the chapter?

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How are abhi and veer related to vaish and yesha?

Any guesses

Stay tuned

Until then bubyee see you in next update

Until then bubyee see you in next update

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