30:I love her but.........

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Aman:siddharth what is this

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Aman:siddharth what is this

Sid:dad they are divorce papers

Aman:i know that but why these papers are here with your names

Sid:we both wanted to take divorce

Everyone were shocked by this statement

Aman:but why

Sid:we both were having continuous fights so...

Aman:so you both thought to take divorce

Avu:yes dad

Aman:avneet what are both thinking about marriage you can marry whenever you want and then take divorce


Aman:no this is not good you both can't taje divorce

Sid:no dad we both can't live with each other

Aman:this is called life but I'm sure you both can be perfect with  each other

Abhi:yes siddharth you are perfect for my sister


Veer:no now tell me on thing clearly dont you like avneet?


Veer:siddharth answer something

Abhi:yes siddharth do you like avneet or not

Everyone kept asking him the same question

Suddenly siddharth shouted

Sid:YES I LOVE HER but she doesn't love me

And tears welled up in his eyes

Everyone became happy after listening him

(A/N: keyword "EVERYONE")

Sid: I love her but she hates me I can't deny her that's why I prepared divorce papers

Aman:siddharth but this is not tye solution for your problem

Veer:everyone have problems in their life but drifting apart is not the only option

Abhi:yes sid you have to fight with problems

Aman:siddharth you said you will change her after marrying her I believed you and now you can't break down

Aman:you have to change her and make her fall in love with you

Sid:I tried a lot of times but everytime I failed

Aman:you can accept failure you have stand up and win

Sid:but dad I can't make avneet love me forcefully

They suddenly heard a voice

'But what if she already loves you'

Everyone turned their heads towards the voice and everyone were shocked to see the person

End of chapter

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