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As you all wanted epilogue right now bear this heart attack

After 2 months

Sid was waiting for avneet at kaur mansion

Avneet went out of station for a deal almost a week

Sid was missing her badly

He was running the entire house in excitement

Aman:Siddharth calm down avneet will come soon

Sid:I cant wait anymore dad I'm seeing her almost after a week

Aman:ya ya you missed her a lot but now you dont need to miss her

Sid nodded but suddenly Aman's phone rang

He picked it up

It was Avneet's number

Aman:hello avneet

Sid snapped his head towards him

Person in call:hello sir do you know her

Aman:who are you and why my daughter's phonies with you

Sid:what happened dad

Aman signed him to stay calm

Person:actually sir your daughter had an accident


He literally yelled making sid scared

Person:yes I found her phone in her pocket i saw your number I dailed you I admitted her in the hospital please come fast

Aman:I'm coming

Aman cut the call

Aman:Siddharth avneet had an accident

Sid:what 😭😭😭

Aman:yes let's go fast

Sid nodded crying

They both went to the hospital as fast as they can

Sid went towards the operation theatre

He found a girl sitting there

Sid:are you The one who called us

Person:yes I have to go now

Aman:thank you so much for bringing her here

Person:its ok

And she left from there

They both sat there waiting for doctor

Sid was almost crying while Aman was controlling himself for sid

After sometime

Doctor cam out

Sid:doctor how is she

Doc:actually (*sighed) I'm sorry we couldn't save her

Sid's world shattered Into pieces

He fell on his knees

Aman started crying

Sid was just staring at nothing

Even tears were not coming from his eyes

Aman:can we see her one last time

He asked crying

Doc:actually he face got completely damaged no one can recognize her

Aman:its ok we will see her


Aman went towards sid

He made him stand ans took him inside

Sid went towards the hospital bed

He saw a person lying there lifeless

Her face was completely damaged

When sid saw her he burst out crying

Sid:Avneettttttttttttttttttttttt why you did this with ke why 😭😭😭

He was not able to digest the fact that his avneet was no more

He kept crying seeing her

After sometime they took avneet's body and did all the rituals

After this sid ddint came out of his room for 3 days

But aman uncle broke the door and saw him lying unconscious

Blood was oozing from his hand

He had a deep cut there

Aman uncle quickly called Abhi and Veer and they took him hospital

They admitted him in the hospital

Doctor came out from sid's room

Doc:he is out of danger but he is very weak take care of him


They went inside and saw sid staring at nothing

After somedays they took him home

But sid never talked with them he used to talk very rarely

Sometimes some people become our life but when they leave us our life leaves us ~

I was literally crying writing this

I broke my record writing 500+words

Tell me how is it

And Express your real feelings in comments dont forget to do comments

Did I show the emotions good

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