Were-Vamp 7

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The wind blew lightly as Christian stared at the white manor that is located in the outskirts of a small town forty miles away.

"You can stop looking at it like it's one of the wonders of the world." Jacob said as Sarah giggled.

"I can't help it. It looks like it was built for royalty." he said.

"Your father will be pleased to hear that." a woman's voice said.

They look to the side to see a pretty older blonde woman with her hair down, has honey-colored eyes like Christian, wearing a grey tank top, torn jeans, and has tatts on her arms like Jacob.

"Hey mom."

Christian's eyes widened in shock. "Mom?"

She rushed to him and gave him a bear hug. "My baby! I've missed you so much!" She's inhaling his scent. "I'd recognize your scent anywhere."

Christian is struggling to get free. "Ugh. Ack."

His long-lost mom tightened the hug. "I love you too."

Sarah and Jacob smiled wide. "I think he's trying to say he needs air. Your crushing him mom."

"Oh." She let go and he gasped. "Sorry sweetie, but I couldn't help myself."

"Sure, leave us in the dust mom." They look to see a group of people watching them from the side. There's four people with blonde and red hair that Christian is guessing are his remaining siblings. There's also a brunette guy with a beard and grey eyes with five children and an older man with red hair like Christian wearing a black suit and has piercing blue eyes.

His mom rubbed her neck sheepishly. "Sorry. I got too excited to see him." She put her hand on Christian's back making him stiffen.

"This is your family. Meet Calvin Dubois." she pointed at the older man. "Your father."

"Welcome home, my son." He has a European accent and sparkled.

His mom pointed at the two blonde boys with blue eyes. One is wearing a black suit like their father and the other is dressed in a muscle shirt and jeans with tattoos covering his arms as well. "The young one in the suit is your eldest brother John." he smiled but narrowed his eyes. This is Roger. Your baby brother." He crossed his arms defiantly.

She pointed at the two girls with red hair and honey-colored eyes. One has her hair cut short and dressed in plaid and black jeggings and matching boots. "That is your older sister Jesse."

"Hey there little bro."

She pointed at the other girl with longer hair and dressed in a sexy blouse and tight jeans with high heels. "This is your eldest sister Ashley." She winked at him.

His mom pointed at the man and children. "This is Bryan. Jesse's husband, and these five are your nieces and nephews." Bryan greeted him warmly as the kids growled at him.

Everyone is 6'0 or 6'5 tall. Ashely went over to pinch his cheeks. "Your cheeks are like playdough. And look how tiny you are. Even our nieces and nephews are going to outgrow you."

"Ow." Christian is whining in pain.

"C'mon honey. Let him go." his mom said.

Calvin huffed. "You're one to talk Trace. You almost squished him to death." She glared at him.

Ashley hmfed before pushing Christian and he landed on the ground with swirly eyes. "Are you sure he's related to us?" Roger asked Jacob.

He crossed his arms and said, "Yup."

Tracy grabbed Christian and is dragging him towards the manor. "C'mon sweetie. Troy has prepared lunch in the dining hall."

In the dining hall, a pale butler with long brown hair in a ponytail and brown eyes smiled at everyone.

"Welcome. I am Troy. Caretaker and loyal zombie. Please enjoy your meal." He presented a huge table of food galore.

Christian's eyes sparkled upon seeing this magnificent feast. It didn't last long when his family is fighting and scarfing all the food. Christian couldn't even get a nibble.

After lunch his father escorted him to the room he will be staying in. "Make yourself comfortable." He opened the door to reveal a luxurious room.

Christian looked with wide eyes. "Thanks dad. I appreciate it."

His father laughed hearty and patted his back. "Unpack your, uh luggage." he eyed his backpack. "And we'll all meet in the family room. We have a lot of catching up to do."

He shut the door making Christian jolt. 'I'm going to die here.' He thought as he scanned the dimly lit room. He cautiously walked to the bed and decided to put his backpack underneath it.

When he got up, John popped out of nowhere and spooked him. "Hi." He just stared. "Um, John right? Sarah mentioned you studied abroad." He is staring at him stoically. "Um."

The door creaked open and Christian jumped into John's arms. "Let's head down together." Sarah said before staring at them. "Why is John carrying you?"

Christian laughed sheepishly as he got out of his eldest brother's grip. "Sorry. This house makes me a bit jumpy." Sarah shook her head before they met with the others.

In the family room, the adults are conversing as the children play.

"To sum it up. You lived in two foster homes, went to college on a scholarship, and are dating a zombie. Is that about right?" Jesse asked and Christian nodded.

Roger frowned. "How boring."

Ashley slapped Roger playfully. "I think it's sweet he's seeing a zombie. How are they in bed?"

Christian is blushing. "We haven't gotten that far yet."

She whined. "Awe but I'm dying to know. Did you at least get a sneak peek down yonder? Ha! You're bright red!"

"Stop teasing your brother." Tracy said sternly. "Now, let's go over our plans for the next few days."

Calvin took out a pad of paper. "Tomorrow you and the werewolves shall go hunting."

Christian gasped. "Wait. You mean like animals? Ow."

Roger whacked him upside the head. "Of course, animals you moron."

Calvin cleared his throat. "Then the vampires shall take you to the spa in town and spend all day and night there."

Christian gaped. "A spa?

His father nodded and posed. "Of course." He said as he's squishing his face. "We've got a lot of pampering to do. It'll be fun. You'll see."

Christian whined as he feels doom over the horizon.

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