Part 6

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Updating a day early for PinkyRai75

Enjoy! :)


Emily's POV

He takes my hand, threading his fingers through mine, and leading me back towards the lift. I thought maybe my slightly drunken mind had exaggerated his beauty last night but in the cold morning light I think I may have underestimated it. As he gently pulls me into the lift and presses the button for the top floor I can't stop staring. He tugs me a little closer, wrapping his free arm around my waist so that we're standing chest to chest. Little buzzes of electricity are flowing across my body and my breathing becomes just a little shallow. Neither of us say anything, we just drink each other in. I keep having to remind myself that I only met this guy last night because although I've never believed in love at first sight, I can feel myself falling damn hard here and it's kind of scary.

The lift opens out onto the roof of the hotel but it's been turned into a stunning flower garden, with palm trees and blooms everywhere. I can't help but gasp at the sight. "Wow, I had no idea this was even up here, this is incredible."

He smiles at my reaction, "I'm glad you like it. We had it added earlier this year, I'm pretty pleased with it."

"Wait when you said last night that you owned some hotels, you meant this hotel?" I gawp at him. His nod suddenly making me realise that Alex must be incredibly rich. I hadn't realised that last night even though now that I think about it he did say he ran several successful businesses.

Still holding my hand he leads me through the garden till we reach a gazebo set up with a table and chairs. He pulls out my seat for me before moving his chair around slightly closer but he doesn't sit down. Instead he heads over to a side table, "What can I get you to drink? Orange juice, apple, coffee, tea?"

"Tea please" I say with a smile. There's something incredibly endearing about him getting my drink for me.

"Of course, now help me out here, I'm not used to making tea."

"Oh I can do it" I say jumping up to help but he quickly shakes his head.

"Just talk me through it, I need to learn how to do it so I know for future."

And with that simple sentence I know I'm a gonner. The simple fact that he wants to learn how to make my tea for me because he sees it being a regular thing in the future, is so unexpectedly sweet.

"Right well you'll need to boil the water, put the tea bag in the cup first and then pour the water over it."

"What sort of teabag?" he says, turning around with an entire selection tray open.

I grin, "English breakfast tea."

"Right, that would make sense" he says, scanning the tea selection until he gets the right one and then continues following my instructions.

"Now let it brew for a few minutes, give it a stir and then take the teabag out. Then add some milk, not too much though please."

A few minutes later I'm presented with a perfect cup of tea and an incredibly proud Alex. I take a small sip before grinning back at him, "Nailed it!"

He laughs, "Phew first test passed. Are there any other English breakfast customs I need to learn?"

"Oh there's plenty but tea making is definitely the most important. Are there any American traditions I should be following?"

"Well there's ye olde poptart which is an american breakfast staple but I'm trying to show off the best of my country here so maybe we'll leave that for now."

I think my face may be broken. My cheeks are definitely starting to hurt but I haven't stopped smiling and laughing for several hours now so it's really no wonder. Opposite me Alex is crying with laughter as I come to the end of my story of how I fell into the touching tank at the London aquarium only last year.

"It was so embarrassing but totally not my fault." I protest as Alex can only wipe the tears that are running down his face. "Man, I wish I'd been there."

"Actually I wish you'd been there too, you would've caught me instead of just watching it all happen like Mandy did!"

Finally done laughing Alex continues to smile but nods at me, "You're right I would've caught you. I promise I'll always be there to catch you from now on."

Suddenly the conversation has shifted from lighthearted to serious in a second but looking into his eyes I know that he means it. Whatever this is between us he feels it too. He slowly leans forward and takes my hand, drawing me towards him. His eyes flit down at my lips and then back up to meet mine. There's a moment of hesitation before he closes the gap and gently presses his lips to mine. If I thought there were sparks before, it's bonfire night now with fireworks exploding everywhere. My whole body lights up with energy as I lean further into Alex not wanting this kiss to end. He tentatively opens his mouth and gently caresses my lips with his tongue, asking for permission. Instantly I allow him access, our tongues coming together in the most magical kiss of my life.

He pulls away the smallest amount, resting his forehead against mine and mutters the same word I'm thinking over and over again, "Wow".

Unable to speak, I simply nod in agreement. He smiles brightly before leaning back in again. But after a few more minutes of heaven we're interrupted by his phone ringing on the table beside us. He groans in frustration but pulls back to answer it anyway. "I'm really sorry."

He takes the call briefly, giving a simple "yes" and "I'll be there in five minutes" before hanging up. "I'm so sorry, I really don't want to leave but I have a meeting with another Alpha which I really can't miss."

"It's ok, thank you for breakfast, it was amazing."

"Best second date ever." He agrees, "Would you think I'm an incredibly keen saddo if I ask you if we can have dinner tonight for our third date?"

"Two dates in one day?" I laugh, "I can live with it."

He beams then leans back in for another long kiss.

It's only as I get back to my hotel room do I realise he used the word Alpha. What a weird way of saying another CEO or businessman.

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