Part 17

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(Alex's POV)

I can feel Em's nerves as she clings to my arm looking around the room. Our entrance has caused quite a stir. Every person in the room has turned to look at us and silence has descended.

It's the closing Alpha's dinner before everyone leaves tomorrow and Emily's first introduction to other wolves beside myself and Jake.

Alpha Julian is the first to approach. "Alpha Alex, good to see you" he says, shaking my hand before turning to Emily, "and you must be Luna Emily, a pleasure" he smiles as he bows in front of her. "This is my wife Luna Marie."

Em hesitates slightly but then smiles warmly, "it's nice to meet you."

"This is Alpha Julian of the Night Runner pack, a good ally of ours." I complete the introduction.

Soon others are stepping forwards intrigued to meet the new Luna of Silvermoon pack. I don't leave Em's side, my arm round her waist the whole time. After a few minutes Em seems to relax slightly and so do I. Jake helps, standing on Em's other side, by being his usual joking self.

Soon we're all sat at the dinner table chatting socially as we eat and Emily is smiling as she talks with Marie on her left. The older woman seems to have taken Em under her wing and I couldn't be more grateful.

Glancing down the table I notice Alpha Ray talking with Alpha Kingsley and I recall that neither of them came over to meet Emily. It doesn't bother me too much but it's still rude. Turning away from them and back to my girl I feel lighter at the sound of Em laughing softly.

(Emily's POV)

"God I'm stuffed" I say leaning back and rubbing my belly. "That was incredible."

Alex laughs next to me, "They do always put on a good spread."

"Main reason I come to these things is the food" confesses Marie next to me, who I've been chatting to all night and already feels like a friend.

As the desert plates are cleared, people finish draining their glasses and start to leave. Shaking hands with Alex and bowing to me. The gesture feels incredibly alien but Alex had already warned me that male werewolves will avoid contact with other's mates, especially when they're still unbonded as we are, so bowing is their way of showing respect without touching me. Marie has no such qualms pulling me in for a hug and saying she'll see me soon.

Alex is still talking to another Alpha, whose name I've forgotten, so I tell Jake that I'm just nipping to the loo and quickly slip out the door.

I'm done doing my business and am stood washing my hands when a stunning blonde enters behind me. I glance up and recognise her from the dinner so offer a small smile. She doesn't smile back, instead scanning me up and down with open hostility. Her lip curls up in a sneer, "Christ he didn't even get a decent looking one."

My mouth falls open, "Sorry? What?"

"Poor Alex, waits all these years for his mate and not only does he get a pathetic human, it's an ugly one at that."

I stare at this woman in shock. I don't even know who she is. I don't think we met at the dinner though she was there.

"He was meant to be mine, you know. He wanted me." And now her voice has shifted from mocking to angry. "We were about to announce it when you just had to show up and ruin it all."

She takes a deep breath seemingly to calm herself before continuing, "I'm not quite sure what you think you're doing but do you really think you're capable of being the Luna for the largest wolf pack in America. You need to be careful. A Luna is an important role and I would hate to see you fuck it up. After everything Alex has worked so hard for it really wouldn't be fair for you to undo it all."

She slowly stalks towards me while I simply stand frozen next to the sink. I want to just leave but she's still blocking the door. "Maybe you should think about that. Whether you're really up to the task. Because if you're not then you should just leave. Let Alex go and return to where you belong, because you're not one of us and you don't belong here. Alex will be much happier if you let him choose the Luna he really wants."

She opens her mouth to continue but the bathroom door cautiously opens and Alex sticks his head in calling my name, obviously wondering what's taking me so long. The second his eyes land on me and the woman stood hovering over me his eyes darken and he strides to my side quickly.

"Rain, what the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing," she smiles innocently, her whole tone and demeanor changing instantly, "Just meeting your mate here, giving her some friendly advice."

I can feel the tension radiating off of Alex beside me and I know immediately that whatever she might have said Alex doesn't like this girl. Alex glares at her a moment longer before slipping his arm around waist and gently leading me away, "goodbye Rain" he mutters, jaw almost clenched.

The second we're out the door Alex is asking me if I'm ok and what exactly it was that the woman, Rain apparently, said. Not wanting to repeat her nasty words or admit how she hit my insecurities so squarely on the head, I brush it off and insist that I'm fine. I'm not sure he truly believes me but he doesn't push further. Just taking my hand and giving it a squeeze as we head back to the lift and then our room. My week in Vegas has officially come to end and tomorrow Alex is taking me to his home, to his pack. To the pack that I am now Luna of. To say I'm nervous doesn't quite cut it. And with Rain's words still ringing through my head I know I'm not going to sleep well tonight.

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