Part 11

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(Emily's POV)

I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. The thought goes through my head over and over again as I stare at the huge beast in front of me. I think of Alex and how cruel it is that we only just met and now I'm never going to see him again.

I don't know where the other four creatures have run off to but the one left behind is by far the biggest of the lot. With a whimper I slide down the wall, tears running down my face as the creature towers above me.

Then it does the weirdest thing. Instead of attacking it lets out its own soft whimper before lying down in front of me. Its huge head resting on its paws as it stares at me with sorrowful eyes. It's like it's trying to apologise. I stare at it dumbfounded. Is it not going to eat me?

For a moment we just watch each other. Cautiously I try to move, wondering if it will just let me leave, but as I do it's head shoots up so I quickly shift back down again. Slowly, as though trying not to scare me, the giant wolf shuffles forward ever so slightly. When I don't move or react it does it again. It never takes its eyes off mine. Then at a snail's pace it leans forward and gently licks my hand. I jerk it back automatically, my heart rate spiking once more. The animal lets out a small whine at my retraction. This is unbelievable. This can't actually be happening.

Unsure but curious I slowly open my hand back out and the animal licks it once more. Nudging forwards a little further suddenly the beast is resting its head in my lap. Hesitantly I find myself stroking its black fur on top of its head and a loud purr vibrates from the creature. It's like a giant cat. I think it likes me.

Breathing a little easier now I continue running my fingers through its fur whilst wondering what the hell to do now. I don't think this animal intends to hurt me but I can't stay here like this.

A noise from the end of the alley has me jumping in fear again as my new pet rises to stand over me protectively. One of the other creatures has returned but from the way my wolf relaxes this is friend not foe.

The two animals are looking at each other almost as if they're having a silent conversation. With a sigh my protector turns back towards me. He licks my face tenderly before taking two steps back.

I think it's letting me leave but then I stare in disbelief as the creature's body starts to shift and crack, fur melts away into his body and in less than two seconds I'm staring at a very naked Alex where moments before a huge wolf stood. He's looking at me sheepishly, his eyes full of concern. I've no idea what just happened but before either he or I can say anything darkness descends and I feel myself fainting into Alex's arms.

Stretching out across the soft sheets I feel Alex's warm body next to mine. I wrap my arms around his warmth and smile as I feel his arms do the same, "I think someone may have spiked my drink last night because I had the weirdest dream." I tell him as I snuggle closer.

He pulls me closer and kisses my forehead, pressing his nose into my hair. I feel him take a deep breath. I've noticed he does that alot, I think he likes the way my hair smells or something. But then he sits up and turns to look at me, a serious expression on his face.

"Em baby, that wasn't a dream. We've got a lot to talk about and I've got a lot of explaining to do, and I know you're gonna have a hell of a lot of questions. Just promise to hear me out and to try not to freak out. Everything's gonna be ok baby, I promise, but I know it's gonna seem crazy and I just need you to please trust me and believe me ok?"

I stare at him for a moment before slowly sitting up. He looks incredibly nervous and that nervousness is finding its way across to me.

"What are you talking about?"

"Last night, it wasn't a dream. You were attacked by three unknown werewolves and then rescued by me and Jake," he hesitates a moment before adding, "in our wolf forms."

Slowly understanding dawns and I start to look around the room for the hidden cameras, "You know scaring the living daylights out of a woman in an alleyway at night really isn't a funny prank" I say, "Is this for some kind of show because you seriously need to rethink your stunts."

Alex sighs and scrubs his hands over his face, "Em please."

"Don't 'Em please' me" I say, pulling away from him and getting out of bed, pleased to note that I'm at least clothed although it's a pair of Alex's boxers and one of his t-shirts. "Seriously, it's not funny. I was scared shitless."

Alex stands up slowly and holds out his hands in a gesture designed to keep me calm. "Please Em, don't freak out ok." He says and then I watch in horror as he starts to shift in front of me once more. I can't tear my eyes away from Alex's limbs cracking and fur sprouting. Again it's all over in seconds and I'm staring again at a huge wolf. I thought last night that his fur was black but actually it's dark brown. The exact same shade as Alex's curly locks. And just like last night the enormous creature who towers above me even on all fours slowly lowers himself to the ground.

I numbly shake my head backwards and forwards. "How'd you do that?"

"By the power of the moon goddess" says a voice behind me making me scream and stumble away, falling flat on my arse on the other side of the bed with a thump.

"Shit, sorry." Says Jake as he dashes over to help me up but a naked Alex has already raced to reach me first.

"What the fuck Jake?" He growls angrily. I automatically take his hand before pulling it back once I'm on my feet and remember exactly what just happened before Jake's interruption.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare her," he adds apologetically.

"You couldn't have knocked or something" Alex tuts.

My head goes back and forth following their conversation, still trying to figure out what I witnessed. I glance around the room once more looking for an explanation, "So is it a projector or like lasers or something?" I interrupt. I wander over to Alex's side of the bed trying to see if there's some sort of trap door or costume.

Jake snorts with laughter, "Really? A projector? Come on, you're smarter than that."

Alex growls at him, cutting off his laughter rather quickly before turning back to me. "I know it's a lot to take in and we're here to answer any questions you have but baby I swear to you this is real. I'm a werewolf and so's Jake, and so are thousands of others around the world. We live alongside humans without your knowledge. I know it seems crazy but all those novels you've read, Twilight and that, whilst not all completely true they do have some basis in reality."

I shake my head frantically, "You know I saw Harry Potter and the cursed child on stage last year and they did some seemingly unbelievable things too but then I read this article explaining how they do it all."

Alex sighs in frustration. Once again running his hands through his hair.

"Ok, so you don't believe us yet but let's just pretend for a moment that it is true, that you do believe me. Give me a chance to explain more ok, even if you think I'm crazy and making it all up."

Alex's eyes plead with me to give him time to explain, and despite my utter disbelief in what I've seen, I don't think he's crazy, and I definitely don't feel afraid of him, so slowly I nod my head. "Ok, you can talk and I'll listen. I'm not saying I believe you, but I'll listen. But for the love of God can someone get me a cup of tea first?"

Ooooo :D So Emily is learning the truth! 

Can I ask who's point of view do you prefer reading from? Or do you like that it is a mixture of both? Just curious to hear what you guys prefer?

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