ONE | Recap

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After everyone had settled into their seats, many were confused about the obviously nonhuman beings but Merlin just waved their questions off. Douxie was slightly more helpful, explaining that Blinky and Aaarrgghh were trolls, while the other five, alien-looking were from a different planet (of course, he didn't know where they were from, he'd never met them before).

"We are from a planet known as Akaridian-5," explained Coranda. "My husband and I are the Queen and King of our planet, but we do not know why we are here any more than you do."

"This has something to do with my son," said Barbara. Nearly every set of eyes, whether the set contained two or six, focused on Jim.

"Come on, guys! Let's just see what Merlin's brought us here to do!" Douxie said, watching as his familiar crawled into his lap. Grumbles (most notably from Ophelia) sounded from the room, but everyone turned toward the empty wall Merlin had stood before. After a couple of seconds, the black lit up, revealing that it was a giant TV screen.

"Awesome-sauce!" gaped Toby. "We're going to watch TV!"

Jim shifted uncomfortably in his seat. 

"Toby, we're about to watch our... past? Isn't that what the old guy said?" Claire asked.

"Let's just watch," Jim said nervously.

As the screen lit up dramatic music started playing. It showed a version of Troll Jim readying to go up against Gunmar (though none of the current attendees besides Jim knew that). The camera panned out, showing Varvatos, Aja, and Krel on earth.

"Hey, that's what you three looked like when we first arrived here!" Toby exclaimed, pointing at the screen.

The image inside the Kronosfere changed to show Blinky and Aaarrgghh, the former of which was shaking hands with the latter.

A few laughed at Blinky's expression.

Finally, it changed to a picture of Douxie before a staff.

"No way!" Douxie bounced in his seat. "I finally got my staff?"

"A staff? What's so important about a staff?"

"A staff," he explained, choking up a little, "is something only master wizards receive, which means that Merlin, my master, finally saw me worthy enough to have one."

A flash of white filled the screen, blinding Blinky in particular, before the image in the Kronosfere changed once more, this time showing a green silhouette version of Jim atop a moon. The name DREAMWORKS appeared at the bottom of the screen as silhouette-Jim removed silhouette Excalibur from his armor.

"Gather around and allow me to tell you the story of stories, the final adventure, the tale of it all." It was Blinky. He stood before the camera with a large book in his hands, as he spoke he flipped through the pages.

Jim was intrigued. He knew his story, this particular story, but he didn't know it started off with Blinky narrating it, in fact, that made Jim wonder who his father-figure was narrating the story too. Well, Jim pondered, he's telling it to us now, technically.

The camera slowly zoomed forward, bringing the viewers up close and personal with three of Blinky's eyes. His lowest eye faded out, turning into a NASA-satellite image of planet Earth. "It begins, like all great stories do, a long, long time ago..."

The dramatic music amplified. " a war between mankind and magic raged." There was Arthur running with Excalibur, his army behind him, toward the Gumm-Gumms. "A conflict between humans, allied with good-hearted, peace-seeking trolls, and the relentless evil trolls who would see them destroyed."

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