ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴇxᴘʀᴇꜱꜱ

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War, It's a horrible thing. The thought of living in it for most people would send chills down their spine. But when it is pounded into you that it would soon come, you become immune to it. Each time you are told the procedures, each practice run, each time you are warned about what could happen, becomes less scary. That is until it comes. That is until it kills your friends and family, destroys your home leaving you hopeless. 

For almost 6 years South Korea had been preparing for attacks from the North, in both the wizarding world and the Muggle one. 

Then the day came, Friday the 13th, August 2021. Spooky date right? Being Friday the 13th and all. Maybe not to some, but what if that were the day that your country was attacked? Is it scary now? The shrill screams of the people around you as bombs drop, Spells being yelled, bright lights that are all sorts of colours from wands blaring, your eyes blurring as you see everything around you moving so quickly. You hope it is just a bad dream but you have to face the fact that it is reality. Your survival instincts kick in and you run through, hoping to get out of there and hear the silence around you. You begin to wonder if it is worth going back for your family, your friends. But you keep running. No regrets now. Only later. Some will choose to go back, it may be their demise. Or they will be labeled as selfless heroes who heroically went back to save their family. 

Some made it out alive of course, some even saved their families from the attack. Many ended up in the country-side, living in all sorts of places. Some lived with relatives, Some made camps with small tents packed with them years before when they planned to escape. 

Even though, throughout those 6 years, people had planned for those attacks, they never actually planned what they would do after. 

Of course, parents wanted what was best for their child and their education. So that, for some, was the main priority. But what to do. There were few wizarding schools in Korea as it was so small and most would be closed and probably bombed down being on the battlefield. 

So the only option was in a another country. 

And that is how 7 boys from South Korea ended up in Kings Cross Station, at platform 9¾ waiting to get on the Hogwarts express. 

Some had run away after finding the letter that had been sent to them, guilty for doing so but not wanting to die so gruesomely. And some sent by their parents, wishing them a happy life. 

You may be wondering, why Hogwarts? Why go to the UK which is 18 hours away (Muggle flights). Surely Japan or even China would be better as they were closer? Well after reading the letter that was sent they were convinced . . . most of them.

Dear . . . . 


South Korea

. . . . . . . . . . . 

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

After hearing of the unfortunate attacks that your country is currently facing, we would like to accept students from you country as support. Hogwarts is extremely safe with all sorts of safety measures (Which are listed down below) and already have students from Korea enlisted. Including students who speak both languages and will help support your child through the school and help break the language barrier. 

We would love to see your child this year and please accept our sincerest apologies in regards to the attacks. 

If you choose to enlist your child, please find enclosed, a list of all necessary books and equipment for the term which begins on the 1st of September. We will receive an owl back no later that the 20th of August. 

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