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As the rosy sky began to fade into a sapphire blue, the clouds of the night before parted to reveal a bright sun. One that was very annoying when you didn't have curtains on your windows. The Gryffindor tower was located on seventh floor and had a lovely view of the lake. Scarlet dressings could be found all around the room and a warm fire made it nice and cozy, especially in the winter. 

Jin, who was already awake, went to greet Jeongguk. They were not in the same section for sleeping so he wanted to speak to him now. As he walked through the halls that had rooms attached for them to sleep in, he finally found Jeongguk. He was almost falling off the bed and in a very odd position. Seokjin slightly giggled to himself as he went to wake him up. 

Jeongguk only woke up when Seokjin used his wand to squirt water at his face. "Aguamenti" The younger looked around confused until he saw the laughing boy in front of him. He wiped his face with his sleeve and gave a dirty look to the other who was currently trying to compose himself. 

"What!" Jin smiled "You wouldn't wake up." He snickered again. 

Meanwhile, In the Hufflepuff common room. The two could be found in their beds, fast asleep. The basement bedrooms did not have windows, so the light hadn't come through, it was only when you went into the common rooms that you were met with the sun's rays as there were windows at the top, near the ceiling. Hanging plants could be found all around and, if you had the right connections, you could go past a painting that lead you right to the kitchens. Handy if you don't want to go into the loud hall in the morning. 

It was only when one of the other students in Hoseok's year came to wake him up that he realized the time and ran to wake up Taehyung. 

The two snuck into the kitchens to get food and raced back to the dorms to get ready so they wouldn't be late for their first lesson. 

The Slytherin rooms however were much different, It was dark and gloomy, Evergreen fabrics used as curtains and dark wood furniture laying around the rooms with green accents. 

Jimin, who was currently ready to leave, was trying to convince Yoongi that it was time to go and to get out of bed. It was not working. 

 At least his first class was with Jin, he would have someone he knew there. That made it a little less nerve wracking. 

The Ravenclaw common room on the other hand, had Kim Namjoon who was making notes on another piece of paper to slip somewhere else in his robes so that he would have an extra just in case he lost the other, which is more common then you might think. He had been up even before sunrise to make sure he had everything ready for the start of the new year. 

The Ravenclaw common room was a deep blue and above the light was a beautiful bewitched ceiling that was spelled to look like a night sky at night and a warm sunny day during the day. 

He then made it his mission to check up on the others and make sure they make it to their lessons ok. 

He went to the Gryffindor's first as they were only a couple floors above, he had a friend in there already who had told him the password so as he went in and greeted his friends he looked for the two. There they were, stood in one of the bedrooms, one with a wet face and the other laughing with a wand in his hands. 

"Impervious." Namjoon spoke, while lifting his want to Jeongguk. The water that still coated his face and his clothes retracted and left him dry. 

The boy thanked him and the two made their way down to get breakfast, letting Namjoon go down to the kitchens to grab something before going into the Hufflepuff common room. But that was un-necessary as he saw the two smuggling food from the kitchen. He asked them if they knew what they were doing throughout the day and reassured them that he would be there for them if they needed anything. 

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