Electra paled after she heard that voice. We walked out at the same time and went straight for the car. It made no sense waiting for them to say something because they would do nothing but get angry and then the beatings would start when we got to the palace. When the car got about 3 miles away witch brought the boys out of the spell. I still had scars from the last time I was there.
***** flashback ******
We woke up on a bed with our hands tied together. I was utterly confused as to how we got there as we stood up side by side making out way to the door but it was violently ripped opened to revealed three very gorgeous men to be specific vampires. Their red eyes looked at each of us with lust. "Why are we here?" I asked the one to the left looked at me and smiled showing he fangs. "Well your here to satisfy our needs and let me make this clear that would mean that we drink your blood but we are going to fuck you and you will enjoy it. Now you talked first I'll take you but you need to tell me your names and the rest of you will do the same.
****End of flashback***I didn't know I dozed off but was awoken by Wolf's voice in my head "get up girls we're here" as soon as she said that the car came to a stop the doors were opened. I stepped out and waited for my sisters. We stood there in front of a place we left years ago with the memories that came with it.
*** flashback*****
"My name is James these are my brothers Frank and Tony. We are now your lovers and will do as we say do I make myself clear?" We nodded "now what are your names and only one of you will speak" "my name is Electra these are my sisters Anatasia and Felicity" wolf spoke as she pointed to each of us. "Why did you choose us we are no one special" Frank smiled "I want her. In due time you will find out but right now I want to fuck." He sniffed her and laughed "she's no virgin even better she'll know how to satisfy my needs. Goodbye little brothers" after that disappeared with Wolf. "Well then let's choose. You are perfect let's go". Tony said and just like his brother he disappeared leaving me and James. That night I was raped and lost my virginity to a bastard.
***flashback stops*** I turn to witch and wolf with their eyes closed but opened them when I felt a cold hand on my back. "Welcome back home"

WerewolfElectra is the most powerful creature alive and her mate is a half breed according to the old prophecy of her great ancestor.