Chapter 8- That Cursed Festival

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Y/N p.o.v

We reached the festival.
Trucy was still between Apollo and I, holding each our hands.

It was still setting up.
There was a small tent of a berry big circus's attraction.
People were also setting up all those rigged prize stands, food stands, stands to sell their things and more.

A stage was also getting built, and next to it a group of dancers was rehearsing.

I found a loose flyer on the ground.
"Look, Truce'! There's going to be a talent show! Do you want to sign up?"
I proposed.

"Yea!! I would love to preform to an audience. Maybe people will be amazed and more will come to my shows!"

Apollo looked at the flyer.
"Weird, it says to go to this address instead of somewhere around here at the festival... and it just says a street, not a specific location..."

"Let me take another look...
This flyer does seem a little weird, and it was just laying around..."
I started having second thoughts.

Trucy sighed.
"A-Alrighty, then..."
She was a little disappointed.

"Hey, how about we go to the official city site and look up the talent show in festival there? Better then trusting a sketchy flyer."
I got on my knees, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Trucy lightened up.
Then she looked around.

"Wait, where's Polly...?"

I stood up and looked around, too.
Where did he go...?

"Y-Y/N, I'm worried..."
She grasped at my hand, as if I'll disappear, too.

"H-He must be around here...
Apollo is a grown person, I'm sure he's fine."
I said, but it feels like I was trying to convince myself, too.

We walked around, searching for him.
Where could he be...?

Suddenly, I gasped in shock.
I couldn't believe what my eyes saw...
Trucy screamed.

Apollo was on the ground, splattered with blood, holding a bloody knife.
Next to him was a little girl. Dead.

There was another scream, of a woman.

"I am detective Ema Skye, please stay clear!"


"N-No! Polly would NEVER!!!"
Trucy cried out.

I was frozen.

I couldn't react.

Not when Apollo woke up from the screams and immediately got arrested.

Not even when we were taken for questioning, making me answer in an empty, monotone voice.

And not when Phoenix got to the station to take us back home.

It didn't feel real.

It can't be real.

I was sitting on the couch in the Wright Anything Agency, starting at nothing. Tears were still running down my cheeks, but I almost didn't notice. My vision just blurred from time to time as tears left my eyes.
I think it's because I'm still in shock.

Trucy was sleeping on my lap, shifting in her sleep.
I wouldn't say she is too young for this, since she has seen a bunch of crime scenes, but when it's someone who's close to you...

The weight got lifted from my thighs as Phoenix took Trucy in his arms, hugging her close.

"It's going to be alright..."
He whispered as he took her to her room, probably to tuck her in.

Then he proceeded to sit next to me.
He had a slight smile on his face.
A sad smile.
"H-How can you be happy at a time like this...?"
I mumbled.

"Well... my mentor's mentor used to say something. She passed it to me, and now I'm going to pass it to you.
He said... 'You gotta smile no matter how hard it gets, it's part of the job. When times seem hard, that's when we can laugh'."
Phoenix tried his best to keep his smiled, but he couldn't.
"I forgot how hard it is."

Phoenix let me cry on his shoulder.
"He also used to say 'the only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over'.
But I suppose we are too soft for that.
Everyone needs a good cry from time to time."
He sighed.
"But it's good to keep it in mind, I suppose..."

I set up.
I have to calm down.
"B-But... Apollo...
What are w-we going  to do...?"
My voice was still filled with sadness and uncertainty.

"I don't know, you tell me.
Do you believe in his innocence?"

"Y-Yes! More then anything!
Apollo won't do that!"
I immediately called out.

"Great. Then you'll defend him."

"W-WHAT?! You don't actually...
I'm barely an attorney! I just got my badge three days ago!"

Phoenix shrugged.
"And you met him only two days ago."

I suddenly blushed.

"Anyways, here's the info I got right now. I'm afraid that Trucy and I can't join you, though."

"W-Why's that...?"
I was scared all the sudden.

"The judge's brother is on the case, and he doesn't like when non-officials stand as counsellors."

It feels like everything's getting worse from moment to moment.

"S-Shouldn't we get another attorney on the case...?"
I proposed.

"No one will believe in Apollo more then you, Y/N."
Phoenix reassured me.

"B-But I'll be t-there on my o-own!
The only person who could help me is the defendant!"

"I helped Apollo from the witness stand as I was in a trial for murder last year."
He shrugged.

"Now go to the detention centre and speak with him."

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