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           //Cw\\ abuse.    !this is in the past when Wilbur and Quackity were teenagers¡ And angst and fluff

               [Quackitys pov]

My dad was yelling at my "SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled at my dad "oh... Do you want to be fucking kicked out?" My dad asked meaning he would most likely kick him out 'shit. It's storming I'd probably get sick or get struck by lightning' I thought to myself "no..." I mumbled "say it fucking louder Alexis." My dad shouted I  didn't answer. My dad smacked me "HEY ARE YOU GUNNA ANSWER ME?" My dad yelled "sorry..." I whispered "speak up when you speak to me" my dad said in a semi yelling tone I got pushed out of the door my dad slammed the door in my face "FUCK YOU, YOU C•NT" I yelled. There only one place I know were to go but I'm fucking exhausted and starving.  I decided to curl up in a ball and fall asleep in the corner of the porch that luckily has a roof on it.

                        [Time skip to the next day]

I got up stretching my sore and tore up wings "ow he fucked up my wings quite a bit" he could see the bone at the top joint of his wing and the bottom tip of his wing "holy shit" he mumbled.  I ran off the porch and to unsurprisingly Wilburs house. I knocked on the door waiting for etheir Phil or Wilbur to answer but surprisingly Kirsten open the door "oh-" danm I just realized how hoarse my voice is. I cleared my throat "i- uhm. Is Wilbur home?" I asked trying to make a normal-ish voice "oh yes he is! Let me get him real quick!" Kirsten said politely and she shut the door. About 4-5 minutes later Wilbur opened the door to see a bruised and battered Quackity (lol bit of a 3rd person pov for a sec) "What the hell happened to you!?" Wilbur squeezed me into a bear hug "N-nothing don't worry" I lied " alright I'll believe you for now." Wilbur said in a worried tone.

                [Time skip for about a hour]

                 [Wilburs pov]

'danm he's tore the fuck up' I thought to myself. Quackity was on my chest balled up and asleep I somehow ended up lulling him asleep by rubbing his wings and back. "Your adorable" I whispered

Short chapter ik ik it's 11 at night ok I'm running on boba and caffeine



lol quackbur smut and fluff shotsWhere stories live. Discover now