𝒞𝒽,2 {𝒴𝒶𝑒 𝒮𝒶𝓀𝓊𝓇𝒶 𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓃🌸▫

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-[Y/n] Pov-🌸
After a day of running we made it to the lady's home we walk inside and I place Rui down onto the mat letting him sleep "Now young one follow me." she said as she opened the door and walk off while I followed behind after an hour of walking we came to a stop "Why are we up here Ms...."

"Yae Sakura or you could call me Sensei for short." Yae said truing around and facing me "Kay I'm [Y/n]. But why are we here Ya- I mean Sensei." I asked once we made it to our destination "You only have until sun rise to return down the mountain and if not then I'll hunt you down." Yae said the last part coldly causing me to stiff up a little before I could say anything she was already gone =Well luckily I remembered where her house is= I thought while running down the hill until I tripped onto a rope "What the He-?!" I said jumping back as I doge a log being thrown at me "Ok just got to watch out for traAAAAAAH!" I shouted falling into a tiger pit that had small rocks to catch my fall "Damn it." I said under my breath as I climbed out I kept on running trying to doge every trap until =Ah! I'm almost home!= I thought happily seeing the trail until I trip onto another rope "Eh?" without a moment to blink a bamboo stick came towards me in a fast rate and hit my stomach causing me to be thrown back "*cough cough* Damn it."

-Yae Pov-🌸
I look out the window seeing the sun almost coming up "*sigh* Might as well look for-" The door slammed open and I see [Y/n] covered in dirt "I-I'm back sensei." she said while trying to catch her breath I nodded until I heard a thud noise I look down seeing her passed out "Maybe training her won't be so bad." I said with a small smile 

-[Y/n] Pov-🌸
I woke up laying on the ground hearing water rushing down and the air now thick "Hm...AHHHH!! what the hell is this?! Sensei!!" I said standing up and looking down the mountain seeing the water rushing down into a pond "I must me on-top of a water fall." I said under my breath until I felt a rock hit my back "Ow! huh? Sensei?" 

"Good morning [Y/n] now for today's training its going to be breathing consideration ok?"

"Hai. But why on-top of a waterfa-"

"To much questions!" Yae shouted kicking me I screamed falling down the waterfall and into the water =this is gonna be a long day= I thought as I swam back up and started running back up to the mountain seeing Yea drinking tea =H-How did she have time to make tea?!= "Now I want you to meditate while concentrating on your breathing so it shoulden't be hard for you since you lived on a mountain and cold wheather. Miss one and I'll push you back down the waterfall do you understand?"

"Yes sensei but why he-"

"To much questions!!"

"Damn it!" I said falling down the waterfall and back into the water after five month's of training I began getting better at my breathing and becoming more aware of my surrounding's but even in those five month's Rui was still asleep it started to worry me to the point Yae had to do daily check up's on Rui and explained to me that it's possible that Rui get's more strength by sleeping rather then eating a human as month's yet by it was already a year and I was now 14 and Rui was 11 but still asleep until one day Yae decided to teach me sword fighting "Now [Y/n] I want you to try getting back home this time using a sword. Are you able to do that?" Yae asked throwing me the steal sword "Hai Sensei." I said as I cached the sword with one hand "Good now go!" Yea said pointing down the mountain as I ran down I noticed a tiger pit hidden with leaves I jump over it and kept on running =At this rate I'll make it down the mountain before the sun come's up= I thought until my leg got caught on a rope lifting me up "Your doing 320 swing's today as punishment for getting caught!"

"Hai Sensei!" I said after I got down as month's passed by I started getting better at swing my sword and my reflexes once Rui woke up and found out about Yae and me training he wanted to do it as well Yae accepted his request and trained the both of us in different times instead of Rui using a sword like me he used his spider web abilities Yae was surprised but thought nothing of it after another year has passed I was now 15 and Rui was 12 our personality change but our bond became stronger me and Rui we're hiding behind the bushes seeing Yae meditating "Ready?" I asked whispering to Rui as he nodded I ran towards Yae swing my sword at her only to see her jump back and body slam me onto the ground that's when Rui jump out the bush and landed on the thread's Yae look's up seeing Rui above her Rui was about to make a web cage for Yae until she jumped up and kicked Rui down making him land on-top of me "Very good but you two we're a second off but still not bad." Yae said while Rui got off me and helped me up "Now [Y/n] follow me while I run some test on Rui." I nodded and followed Yae while Rui went back inside we kept on walking into a deep forest until she stopped  my eye's widen seeing a tall thick tree in-front off us "If your able to cut this tree I'll allow you to enter the Final Selection." Yae said calmly I look at her and back at the tree "H-Hai Sensei." I said nervously she nodded and walk back down "Hey wait!" I said turning around only to see her gone "Alright then...Take this!" I said swing my sword at the tree once I hit it the sword bounced back causing me to jump back I look back at the sword checking to see if it broke and back to the tree "N-Not even a scratch?!" I said in shock "Fine then...here...we...Go!" I said hitting the tree again and again until sunset "Damn it the sun's going down and I didn't even land a scratch on that tree *sigh* now sensei will punish me more brutally." I said as I walk back down that mountain

 "[Y/n] good your here now come in." Yae said in a serious tone I nodded and ran back inside seeing Rui almost puking "Rui!" I said running up to him and carrying him to the bathroom and helping him puke once finished I help him was up and walk back to the living room "What is it Sensei?" I asked while Rui laid his head on my lap sleeping as I brush my hand through his hair "What's your bloody type [Y/n]?" Yae asked while washing some bowl's "I'm a marechi. The old lady Ms. Hannah told me since she was a retired doctor and help Rui with his conditions once she told me that I wasn't sure what that meant why do you ask?" I said until Yae turned around and looked at me with a serious look "Rui body is unique since it only accepts marechi blood but not normal human blood. Hmm...it could be because of the demon that attacked him therefor his body is not developed for human blood only marcehi. Which would mean why he was sick of the human blood."

"Ok but what is marchei?"

"A type of rare blood that demons find fascinating to devourer even a simple drop of blood can equal to 10 normal human's blood but if it was more it would add up to 50." 

"I see...sensei would it be awful of me to give Rui some of my blood." I said Yae was shocked at my response "Why would you want to do that [Y/n]? even if you we're giving him some of your blood he could devour you or eat other hu-" 

"I-I would never do that t-to my big sister. Nor devour any innocents." Rui said as he slowly opened his eye's and looked at Yae "I see...well [Y/n] it's your choice so would you want to give Rui some of your blood?" I think for a moment =Do I actually wanna do this? give Rui my blood...but what i- No! [Y/n] don't think that. He's your brother so I will do what I must to protect him I rather let him drink my bloody then eat a human.= I thought "Sensei I'll give Rui my blood for the mean time so that way he won't think about devouring a human." I said Rui look's up at me in shock Yae nodded "Very well but remember not everyone will accept Rui for being a demon so I hope you can change there mind's about Rui."

"Hai Sensei."
----Time skip (Your now in the forest)---
"Damn it." I said as I was catching my breath and dropping the sword =It's been 6month's now and I still can even land a single scratch or a cut on that tree. It's so infuriating but it's not enough. I must train harder for Rui.= I thought while laying on the ground "Ahh! I won't give up! I'll never give up for Rui!" I shouted standing up and grabbing the sword I hit the tree but my sword just jump back I clench my fist in rage "Damn it [Y/n]! just work harder! work harder!" I said hitting my head on the tree "Excuse me but why are you shouting?" I heard a young women voice say I turn around and see a little girl with light pink hair and cyan eye's looking at me worried =Who is this child?! how come I didn't notice her sooner!= "Miss are you ok?" the little girl said as she pulled my on my sleeve "Huh? Oh! yes I'm alright but why are you here? it's a little dangerous to be here alone don't you think?" I said as I got down to her level she shock her head no "I see well I have to go back to my tra-"

"Your doing it wrong." I stop at my track's and look back at the little girl seeing her pout a little "I thought Yae-san taught you better. Or maybe it's because your body is not use to it." the little girl said while walking over to a tree and breaking the branch "Now let's begin." she said while getting in position I look at her dumfounded "I'm sorry but I must decline. I don't want to hurt a little gi-" I was cut off by her swinging her branch at me I block it with the sword and we started fighting "Focus on your breathing! Don't let the enemy win!" she said now going faster "If you want to be a Demon slayer you have to be superior! don't hold back! you have no where else to go but forward! show me what your made off!" I was about to hit her with the sword only to see her doge it and uppercut me with the branch knocking me out after hour's have passed I open my eye's and see it was already night time "Wait?! what?! how?!" I said as I sat up "I'm sorry if I hurt you miss. Are you ok?" the little girl asked as she walk up to me "I-I...I'm fine but how?...How did you do all of that I mean your swinging didn't even miss by a second it looked so powerful it was honestly beautiful." I said surprised the little girl giggled "A-Ah! my apologies for not asking but what's your name?" I asked standing up "I'm Rin and you?"

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