𝒫.1 -𝒯𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒶 𝒟𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓃 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝒸𝒶𝒹𝒶𝓂𝓎!-

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-3rd person Pov-
"The new semester's begun. Introduce yourselves...Go!" Giyu said as he slammed the chalk board "Yes, sir! I'm Tanjiro Kamado. My family runs a bakery and I'm the eldest of six children!" Tanjiro said happily only for Giyu to slam his hand on the board that wrote not piercings "No earing's here. Next."

"I'm Inosuke Hashibira!-" Inosuke was cut off by Giyu slamming his hand on the board that wrote no dressing down "Button your shirt. Next."

"I'm [Y/n] Ayaki. My fa-" [Y/n] was cut off by Giyu slamming his hand on the board again the wrote no pet's allowed "No bird's allowed, get rid of it. Next."

"Um, I'm Zenitsu-" *Slam* "You have to dye your hair black." Giyu said looking at Zenitsu "But this is my natural color-"

"No talking back!" Giyu said punching Zenitsu "So unfair!" 

"It's also forbidden to hold bread in your mouth." Giyu said pointing at Nezuko seeing her eat bread "And you no playing with spider's!" He said pointing at Rui seeing him playing with a spider web. After spending an hour the bell ranged all the students left class going over to there next class "H-Hey Rui can I speak with you for a bit." Zenitsu asked [Y/n] and Rui looked at each-other and shrugged "[Y/n] wait for me by the stairs." Rui said [Y/n] nodded and walk off while her raven was sleeping on her head "So what do you wa-"

"Who dose [Y/n] like?"


"Don't play dumb with me!  I know that you know what type of men [Y/n] like's so tell me!"

"Older sister like's me." Rui said as he walk off "She can't like you! your her brother and even if you weren't she would never like a pale...pale...pale." Zenitsu trails off the last part noticing Rui running over to [Y/n] and hugging her "Nee-san! he was being a creep and woulden't stop bullying me!" Rui said while crying fake tear's Zenitsu was about to speak up only to be cut off by feeling a murderous aura surrounding [Y/n] "Rui-chan. Please tell me who it was?" [Y/n] said  cheerfully as Rui got on [Y/n] back putting his leg's on her shoulders and his arm's on her head, pointing at Zenitsu "Him!" [Y/n] nodded and pulled out a bat from behind "How dare you bully Rui-chan!!" [Y/n] shouted angrily as she swing her bat at Zenitsu but he doges it and starts running away from [Y/n] begging for mercy while Rui was recording 

-Chapter, 9: Hashira vs Rui-

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