Before you saw me I saw you {Prequel to the Movie}

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Il mio tesoro più prezioso


Before you saw me I saw you. I was wandering around the island and there you were. Herding goatfish and keeping them safe from the land-monsters. You were careful with them, scolding the curious ones that drifted off course. I think it was the way you lowered your voice and knitted your eyebrows together when you lectured the goatfish to be more careful that reeled me in. Or maybe it was the gentle way you led them to small clearing where you let the fish roam. But then again there was also the way you lit up and laughed when one headbutted and tickled you.

All I know was that the first time I saw you I knew I had to meet you. Somehow I needed to meet you and all your fascinating beauty one on one so, I came up with a plan. Later that night I knew that a fishing boat was gonna pull out for one more catch of the day. So I all I had to do was wait. Later that night as I predicted a boat pulled form the dock. I swam over as incognito as I could and reached over the deck and grabbed something, anything I could get my hands on. I ended up grabbing a weird chirping machine, a metal toy, a spear, and some cards. I would've got some more things but the men saw me. They threw a spear at me and it scraped my arm. It wasn't too deep but it was gonna probably leave a scar. No matter, I grabbed my things and placed them in Luca's goatfish grazing spot so that he'd see them the next morning. I'll go to the spot tomorrow and collect my things as I "dropped" them from a boat.

Hopefully that'll spark up conversation or get him to follow me out of interest. I pulled myself out of the water, shaking myself off and looking for something to wrap my arm with. The bleeding mostly stopped but that's not important right now. Maybe I should wear my underwater metal man suit to scare him as a prank. Plus it'll hide my face if I end up blushing when I see him. Yeah that's what I'll do. I end up falling asleep to thinking about all the things I'll say to him and how.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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