Chapter 2 | The Trollhunter

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Walking down the streets of troll market, diving out of the way of trolls.

Is draal ok?

clearly not, who am I kidding

god, I hope the rock didn't make it worse

"Oomph-" I bump into someone.


Waving my cloak off.

"Blinky," I sigh, "Lord, that would have been bad if it was anyone but you" I chuckle.

"Ah!! Lady Y/n! This is perfect," Blinky cheers

"Hi y/n," Aarrrgh says,

"Hello, Aarrgh,"

"Miss Y/n, I do hope this isn't much trouble, but I think I may need you to take indefinite residence in Arcadia," Blinky shouts,

"I was planning to actually, but why do you need me?"

"Just," He scribbles something down on a piece of paper, "Meet us here, tonight, let's say arounddd 9 ish"


"Brilliant!" He says, before running off. Aaarrrgh gives me an awkward wave before following after him.

I look down at the paper.

This is someone's home address

I look over my shoulder in the direction Blinky ran it.

What am I getting myself into.


"So how have the past 90 decades treated you?" I ask, setting down my tea.

"Quite well actually," Douxie says, "You?"

"Eh, well," I think it over, "I guess you can say it hasn't necessarily been paradise."

Douxie gives a sympathetic look. Reaching across the table, I grab his hand, smiling softly, "But don't worry, it's gotten a lot better now that I'm here, with you,"

He blushes.

"Well, do you have any crazy stories to tell me?"

"Not unless traum are considered crazy," I chuckle.

Looking up at the empty seat in front of me.

Sighing, I set my tea down, staring at the wall.


Making my way to the address Blinky gave me. I decided to go through the side gate to the back.

This feels wrong.

Carefully pushing the gate open, I creep into the person's backyard.

I see a large footprint in the grass.


The back door of the house is gone, walking up to it.

"Hey, Blinky, are you actually going to tell me why I'm- here..." I trail off, freezing in the doorway as I'm met by the wide eyes of Jim and Toby.

"Jim?" I say, not moving.

"Ah! Master Jim! You know lady Y/n? That is just splendid!"

"U-uh yeah, she's in my class.."

"WAIT! Y/N?! You know these creepy troll things? How?!"

I chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of my neck, "Long story?" I step inside the house, "Blinky." I say with pleading eyes, "Why exactly did you want me here?"

Red ~ (Tales of Arcadia Fic)(x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now