Chapter 4

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Kerry's Pov:

As soon as she said that she was auditioning for Les Mis I looked at her in surprise.  If she was auditioning for the Broadway production of Les Mis, then she was a theater kid.  But, she didn't react like most theater kids do when they meet someone from a Broadway cast.  I then think about how I met her and realize that I don't even know her name. (What's ya name man? Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton) 

So I decide to ask her "What's your name?"

"Skylar, but I prefer Sky like the girl scout from Beetlejuice."

"I'm Kerry and I play Barbara Maitland in Beetlejuice the musical." I tell Sky with a smile.

Sky says, "I know! Sorry that sounded really creepy, but your one of my favorite actresses."

I laughed a little and told her, "It's ok.  I figured you were a theater kid once you told me what your audition was for."  We started the journey to the theater and it was quiet for a while until Sky spoke.  "Do you have any advice for my audition?"

"Make sure you warm up before your audition and try to connect with the character so your performance more depth."


As we arrive to the theater I start to question what I'm supposed to do next.  Do I stay and wait for her to be done or should I go back to the theater?  I don't want to leave her alone, but what if she doesn't want me to stay... oh well only one way to find out.

Sorry not sorry bout the Hamilton reference.

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