Dani throws her long blonde hair into a messy bun and tosses her burnt toast in the trash. She waves goodbye to her mom and picks up her backpack, heading off to her first day of senior year. Her younger brother, Ollie, following close behind.

Ollie is 14 and a freshman while Dani is 18 and a senior.

Dani slams her door shut and Ollie follows her close behind.

"Did you notice the for sale sign is gone?" Ollie questions while stuffing his jacket into his backpack.

Dani looks at her neighbors house. Sure enough the sign that had been staked into the ground all summer had been removed.

"I hope they're cool," Ollie murmurs. Dani gives him a confused glance. "Our new neighbors."

Dani chuckles lightly, pulling into the parking lot of the high school.

"No one could be worse than ancient old Mary," Dani laughs. Her old neighbor, Mary, had lived in that house as long as she could remember. Mary wasn't the nicest to them but Dani had never liked change.

Ollie nods in agreement, un-clicking his seat belt. He looks over to Dani as she parks in the student zone.

Dani places a hand on his shoulder gently and gives him a comforting smile. "You're gonna be okay. It's highschool everyone changes from middle school to highschool."

Ollie is transgender and begun somewhat transitioning over the summer, much to his mothers dismay.

He let out a deep sigh and nodded.

Dani leaned over and gave him a hug.

"If you don't have anyone to sit with at lunch you know where to find Parker and I," Dani slams her door closed and the car doors lock.

They make their way into the school. The smell of the first day of school hits Dani like a wave. The hallways are busy with the voices of excited students greeting each other.

Dani places both hands on either side of her brother and smiles.

"Don't let anyone push you around," Dani says sternly, pulling Ollie into a bear hug.

He struggles out of her grip and mumbles an 'okay okay' before parting ways.

Dani walks down the hallway, searching the moving sea of students for a specific familiar face.

"Dani!" A voice calls out. Dani turns around and is met with a person much shorter than her staring up.


Parker has short black hair as they had shaved it back in April. Their skin is a deep brown, matching their eyes. They are 17 and a senior like Dani.

"Hey," Dani breathes, wrapping her arms around the smaller person. "Where is Haley?"

Haley is a Junior and is 17. She's Parker's girlfriend.

"Uh I just had her," Parker mumbles, spinning around. Their face lights up and they walk towards a blonde girl, about their height.

The friends greet each other and exchange stories of the summer as if they hadn't hung out just days prior.

"We better get to class," Dani says, checking the time on her phone. Her friends nod in agreement and they split ways.

The day goes by painfully slow. The teachers go over their classroom rules and give their long speeches.

Eventually the school day ends and Dani waits for her brother next to her mom's car. She doesn't have her own. Yet. But she was fortunate enough to have driven it today.

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