Chapter I

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I'm not like most girls. I'm not into shopping, boys, or going to parties, I'm actually quite the opposite. The only thing that has caught my interest, is the famous William Shakespeare.

I've read every single word he has ever written and find it quite beautiful. Intriguing at times. I always end up at the edge of my seat every time Macbeth is in the middle of the battle. I always get terrified when Hamlet's ghost appears. And I always cry when Romeo and Juliet kill themselves to be with one another.

I only have two friends, which doesn't really seem like a lot, but it's enough for me. I've known Gina for five years now. Before I actually met her, I thought that she was one of those preppy girls, but I learned that I thought wrong pretty quick.

Then there's Darren, who is also obsessed with Shakespeare but not as much as I am. I've know him since last year and we clicked instantly. Not as in a couple or anything but only as friends. Gina has tried to get me and him together for three months, but has never really worked.

So that basically sums me up. I'm a hermit who is obsessed with a deceased writing genius, only has two friends, and isn't into the typical girl stuff. I'm me and that's all I'll ever be.


As much of a morning person as I am, I hate getting up this early. My routine consists of brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and grabbing a bottle of water. I never really cared for styling my hair all that much. I liked my natural hair. Chestnut and wavy. I never wore makeup either, and according to my mom, I would have great skin when I got older.

My mom and I live in her fiancé's house. It's pretty decent I guess. Two story Victorian style house. Ben basically saved our lives, because me and my mom were barely getting by in a run down apartment. I hated that place. All it had to offer was roaches, mold, and cobwebs everywhere. Two years we had to suffer in that hell hole.

That's where my interest in Shakespeare came into play. The tv that we had looked like it was from the 1970's, and only had three channels on it. The news, some spanish channel, and an old soap opera that my mom learned to like.

So instead of watching sappy dramas all day, I had a sudden interest in reading. I never liked reading at first, but when I read the introduction to A Midsummer Night's Dream, I was suddenly lured into the addiction of not only Shakespeare, but reading in general.

"Tonya! Hurry up or you'll be late again!" Called my mom. I rolled my eyes. I don't care if I'm late, I hate school and most of the people that go there. Hence the reason why I only have two friends. I grabbed my backpack and walked out to the car where my mom already had the heater on.

Perks of living in North Dakota, where the weather is cold as hell in the middle of December. Today is the last day of school until winter break so that's a plus. But sadly we have exams today. I could've exempted, but I'm waiting until the end of the year when we are tested over more useless crap like math.

I was caught up in my own thoughts that I forgot that my mom was already on school property. "Have a good day!" She said as I got out of the car. Washburn High School, the last place I want to be.


"Tonya!" I heard someone scream. I looked around until I found Gina with Darren standing next to her waving. I smiled and walked over to them. "Hey guys" I replied. "You wanna come back to my place after school?" Gina made a face. "Are you gonna completely zone out into Shakespeare land or are you actually gonna socialize?"

Gina doesn't like Shakespeare. She always found it quite boring, so she was never really excited about computer my to my house, because she knows what I'll be doing. I shook my head and laughed lightly. "Yes Gina, I will socialize." I replied.

Darren looked at me and smirked, and I started blushing. 'Why am I blushing? I never blush!' I said in my mind. Secretly, Darren had that effect on me. Whenever he would look at me in a certain way, smirk at me, or start messing with me, I would slightly get butterflies in my stomach.

Gina looked back and forth at me and Darren. I gave her a look that basically told her to drop it, and she laughed. Darren furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but shrugged it off after a few seconds.


Darren already has his license, so he drove Gina and I to my house. Not wanting our random conversation to end just yet, Darren took some "wrong turns" just to keep the excitement going.

My mom and Ben don't really care what time I get home, but there are a couple of rules. I have to be home by 10, and I have to let them know that I'll be out somewhere. Ben, at first, didn't care whatsoever when I got home or where I went, but my mom was the opposite.

"I swear, if you go up to your room and leave us there with your creepy ass stepdad I will kill you!" Gina said mid laugh. I shook my head laughing even more. Darren was chuckling looking back at me. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. I've never had this feeling before when Darren looks at me. I only blush.

What is this feeling? What is happening?

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