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CHAPTER SIXthe garden

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the garden.

Loki waited outside of her bedroom chambers patiently as she got dressed. Pandora put on a patterned white laced dress, with a thick baby blue overcoat with frills at the neck, as well as a matching hat to sit atop her head of pale blonde curls in a messy up-do. It was dissimilar to what she would wear on Mount Olympus, as she would usually wear flowy, thin dresses and no shoes along with flowers pinned to her hair, as she loved to be one with nature. The attire of a Greek Goddess.

"M'Lady." Loki greeted, as Pandora walked out from behind the door shyly.

She curtseyed in customary, bowing her head and looking up at him. This seemed to please him, as a small smirk tugged the corner of his thin pink lips.

But the tender moment didn't last long. Loki was cold in how he walked, arms length away and stiff. He was striding slightly ahead of Pandora, leading her to the Frigga's garden. The palace had many empty hallways with large windows, with maids and butlers scuttling around and curtsying when they came across Loki and Pandora. She found it quite flattering.

A grand golden archway that was engraved with flowers, animals and other nature-esque things lead them out to Frigga's garden.

It was beautiful beyond anything she had seen before. There were flowers and trees she had never seen before, with small white rabbits hopping around and strange birds fluttering around into the pale blue and cloudy sky. There were vines that crawled up the walls of the courtyards pillars, with a large fountain in the centre with a statue of Frigga herself carved from marble and spewing sparkling water from a jug she held.

Pandora was in awe, her magic tingling through her veins. She opened her palms gently, closing her eyes. She breathed in the clean air, her fingertips sprouting with leaves that flew into the wind with butterflies fluttering from her opened palms. The wind whistled as she opened her dark eyes, a smile gracing her gentle features.

She wandered over to an arrangement of shrubbery, kneeling down. She waved her fingers gently, flowers sprouting from the tips of the branches.

"I've never seen magic like that." Loki's voice interrupted from behind her.

Pandora turned around and stood straight, looking at Loki as he crossed his arms and had no further expression on his face than a slight curiosity. His lips were pursed shut as he waited expectantly for her answer.

"What magic have you seen?" Pandora questioned, as she slowly began to make her way towards him. The pathway was made of cobble with dirt and moss coating it, the way it had clearly sat for thousands of years. The shrubs and flowers beside her began to sprout as she walked past them, her fingertips curling gently to cue them to blossom and flower.

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