Anti-Plagiarism Community

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Hi guys! Its been such a long time.

Recently, one of the chapters in my book got plagiarized, like word to word. I did not inform the authorities, since I had read many cases, where they do nothing. But after some encouragement from my readers, I decided to confront the author.

So, I sent them a private message. The next day when I clicked on their profile, it said that the profile doesn't exist. Obviously, they had left. And I was like, what the hell?

I then decided to explore this so called trend of plagiarism. And guess what? Turns out, there are so many unexplained and forgotten plagiarism incidents. Authors ranting on their message boards that even if they complained, no action was being taken.

This is seriously so depressing and horrifying, even though Plagiarism isn't a crime, it's like betraying the unofficial ethics of a writer. 

So, burning with rage (I'll probably regret this sentence), I decide to make a anti-plagiarism community. It doesn't just stand for the cause, it also helps wronged writers get their justice (Yup, definitely regretting 🙄).

So, please check it out and join the cause (?).

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